Comedy and thriller film demand soars while Brits are tired of reboots and superhero films

Comedy and thriller film demand soars while Brits are tired of reboots and superhero films

Janice Fernandes - July 30th, 2024

A movie's success or failure has always been unpredictable, and this uncertainty has only been amplified by evolving audience preferences post-pandemic. The question now is: what genres of movies do Britons want to see more of, and which ones are they growing tired of?

Brits want more comedy and thriller films

Comedy films emerge as the clear frontrunner, with 56% of respondents expressing a desire to see more of them. Crime/thrillers secure the second spot, garnering 54% support for increased production. Documentaries and biopics also find favour, with 41% supporting more releases in these categories. Historical dramas and science fiction are not far behind, finding support among 39% and 37% of respondents, respectively.

At the other end of the spectrum, several genres face a less enthusiastic response. Reboots of old movies and video game adaptations are the least popular, with 57% and 56% of respondents respectively preferring fewer of these films.

Superhero/Franchise films, once dominant at the box office, now see 53% of Britons wanting fewer releases in these categories. Sports movies (53%), horror movies (52%) and Westerns (41%) also see significant disinterest.

Meanwhile, some genres appear to have struck a balance. Animated films have managed to achieve a level of contentment among respondents, with 48% satisfied with the current output. Action films and romantic comedies also maintain a steady following, with 41% and 40% of respondents respectively satisfied with the current number of releases.

Certain genres like documentaries and biopics, historical dramas, science fiction, musicals, and teen dramas show a mixed response. Roughly equal proportions of people want more, less, or the same number of films in these categories, indicating a balanced market demand.

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Methodology: YouGov polled 1,000 British adults on July 24, 2024. The survey was carried out through YouGov Surveys: Self-serve. Data is weighted by age, gender, political affiliation, education level and region. Learn more about YouGov Surveys: Self-serve.

Image: Getty Images