Discover, click, purchase: 2024 online shopping trend report

Discover, click, purchase: 2024 online shopping trend report

Deeksha Raina - June 3rd, 2024
Dive into the attitudes and preferences of ever evolving Indian online shopper.Download report

With 73% of urban Indians embracing online shopping for convenience and 64% desiring user-friendly apps, the digital marketplace is brimming with potential. YouGov's 'Discover, click, purchase: 2024 online shopping trend report' uncovers urban Indian shopping behaviors, offering actionable insights for brands in the digital realm.

Download this report to gain insights into:

  • Habits of urban Indian shoppers: From planned vs. impulsive buying to spending patterns.
  • Online vs. offline preferences: Categories lead in online and offline shopping, and identify the swing categories.
  • Product discovery channels: Learn where consumers find new products, including the impact of e-commerce sites, social media, and influencers.
  • Triggers for purchase: Examine the factors and channels driving transactions.
  • Brand website importance: Acceptance and reasons why consumers prefer buying directly from brand websites.

Unlock these essential insights to refine your brand strategy and capture the attention of today’s online shopper. Download your copy now and lead the way in 2024.