What are Britons gifting their dads this Father’s Day?

What are Britons gifting their dads this Father’s Day?

Janice Fernandes - May 30th, 2024

In the lead up to Father’s Day, YouGov conducted a survey among over 2,000 British adults to shed light on how Brits plan to celebrate and shower their dads with love (or gifts) this year.

Polling data shows a strong focus on in-person connection. Over half (57%) of respondents who have a father/ father figure plan to see them in person on Father's Day. This desire for face-to-face interaction is evident in the preferred celebration methods. While sending cards remains popular, with 16% opting for physical cards and 7% choosing e-cards, a significant 50% plan to celebrate in person. Additionally, 7% will send a physical gift, and 13% will order one online for direct delivery.

What kind of gifts are most popular? 

The classic option of a bottle of alcohol (whiskey, wine, etc.) remains a top contender (31%). The survey also indicates an interest in experiential gifts. Tech gadgets like watches and headphones are popular among 20% of respondents, while tickets to sporting events (9%) and concerts (10%) also feature prominently.

Sentimental gifts are popular with 13% opting for handmade items and 4% choosing monogrammed accessories. Camping gear is a preferred choice for 8% of respondents.

How much are Britons planning to spend on Father's Day gifts?

More than a third (36%) of respondents plan to spend between £21 and £40. Around 17% intend to purchase more expensive gifts (£101+), while a notable 17% prefer budget-friendly options, planning to spend £20 or under.

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Methodology: YouGov Surveys: Serviced provides quick survey results from nationally representative or targeted audiences in multiple markets. This study was conducted online on May 20-21, 2024, with a nationally representative sample of 2,036 adults in Great Britain (aged 18+ years), using a questionnaire designed by YouGov. Data figures have been weighted by age, gender, education, social grade and region to be representative of all adults. Learn more about YouGov Surveys: Serviced.

Image: Getty Images