Unveiling DFI’s retail loyalty landscape

Unveiling DFI’s retail loyalty landscape

Carmen Yew - May 6th, 2024

Decoding engagement in the evolving APAC market: yuu at the forefront of retail loyalty

The APAC retail landscape is undergoing a transformation. Consumers, particularly in tech-savvy markets like Hong Kong and Singapore, are increasingly seeking experiences and emotional connection from brands, as opposed to simply accumulating points. This shift demands innovative approaches to customer engagement, and DFI Retail Group's yuu loyalty program stands at the forefront of this evolution.

This report delves into the evolving loyalty program landscape in APAC, drawing upon valuable insights from our latest study done in 5 key markets, Australia, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Singapore and Hong Kong.

Key insights on:

  • Understand loyalty membership rates in different markets for different type of stores
  • Look out on the consumer perspective on key benefits and barriers to joining a loyalty program
  • Cater to diverse member preferences and drive engagement
  • Develop effective mobile app functionalities that resonate with users
  • Build trust and transparency through responsible data practices