Facebook is the most popular platform among social media shoppers in Singapore

Facebook is the most popular platform among social media shoppers in Singapore

Bhawna Singh - November 29th, 2023

YouGov’s latest survey reveals that six in ten Singaporeans claim they have purchased products using social media platforms. Facebook seems to be the most popular platform for social media shoppers, with four in ten consumers saying they have used this platform to make a purchase (40%). Following this, a quarter claim they have made purchases using TikTok and Instagram (26% each), while a fifth have done so using YouTube (20%). Intriguingly, a considerable 40% of Singaporean consumers report not having made any purchases through social media platforms.

An age-wise comparison shows interesting differences amongst generations. Facebook serves as a popular platform among the older generations, particularly resonating with 44% of Generation X users. Conversely, Generation Z exhibits less inclination towards Facebook for purchases, with only 22% having utilized it. Instead, GenZ consumers display a higher propensity for TikTok usage, accounting for 46% compared to the other generational groups (30% for Millennials and 23% for Generation X). Both Generation Z (41%) and Millennials (37%) are more likely to have used Instagram for purchases in contrast to Generation X (18%).

When it comes to purchase frequency, consumers in Singapore are more likely to be occasional buyers, defined as those who shop via social media platforms less than once a month (52%) whereas 36% are frequent buyers (those who shop more than once a month). One in ten (11%) are unsure of their shopping frequency.

Drawing a parallel from the previous data where 40% of Singaporeans have not made any purchases via social media, those who have made purchases perhaps do not have the stickiness to allow them to be frequent buyers. Millennials once again leads the role of frequent buyers with 44% shopping more than once a month. On the other hand, Singaporean Generation Z are more likely to be occasional buyers with 63% saying so.

Among frequent buyers, Facebook takes the lead as the most frequently used app for purchases, with 74% favouring it, followed by TikTok at 58% and YouTube at 51%. In contrast, among occasional buyers, the usage distribution shifts slightly, with 61% utilizing Facebook, 41% favouring Instagram, and 38% opting for TikTok

Amongst the plethora of items being promoted on social media, consumers in Singapore are most likely to buy fashion and jewellery via social media platforms (43%), followed by personal care and cosmetics (38%), groceries and packaged food (35%). Many have bought consumer electronics & technology products (28%), health & wellness items (26%), home decoration (24%) and sporting goods (22%).

The data also reveals that low price points as compared to other purchasing options and discounts & promotions are the primary reasons that may encourage buyers to make purchases via social media platforms (at 52% each). Convenience (41%), the ability to see products in detail (38%) and a reliable customer service (35%) are some other key factors that affects buyers’ decisions.

On the other hand, factors that can discourage consumers from buying via social media include risk of scams (70%), lack of trust (67%) and unclear return/exchange policies (49%). Many are likely to be hindered by poor customer service (42%), technical issues (36%) and unsuccessful payment methods (31%).

When asked about factors that could enhance their social media shopping experience, improved customer support came on top (79%), followed by faster and more reliable delivery (74%) and secure payment methods (73%). Enhanced product search and filtering capabilities are valued by 62% of consumers. Finally, the integration of augmented reality (AR) for virtual product try-on marks a promising frontier in the evolution of social commerce, with 36% consumers saying this will enhance their overall shopping experience on social media.


YouGov Surveys: Serviced provide quick survey results from nationally representative or targeted audiences in multiple markets. This study was conducted online between August 3 and 8, 2023 with a nationally representative sample of 1,065 adults in Singapore (aged 18+ years), using a questionnaire designed by YouGov. Data figures have been weighted by age, gender, education level, region, and social grade and to be representative of all adults in Singapore (18 years or older) and reflect the latest population estimates. Learn more about YouGov Surveys: Serviced.