Spider-Mania: Even non-PS5 owners are interested in playing Spider-Man 2
A fresh YouGov Surveys poll looks into the interest in playing Spider-Man 2 among both PS5 gamers and non-PS5 gamers. The results show that four in five gamers with access to a PS5 are interested in playing the second installment to Marvel’s Spider-Man game (80%).
Gamers here are defined as those who play video games on console or PC for at least one hour in an average week.
The sky-high interest levels among PS5 owners for Marvel's Spider-Man 2 comes as no surprise given that the platform-exclusive title has already broken some sales records since its release on October 20, selling 2.5 million copies on the first day alone.
PS5 owners make up 30% of all gamers, according to our poll that was run between November 2 and November 3.
But what’s interesting to note is that interest in playing the title is reasonably high among non-PS5 gamers too. Overall, over half of all American gamers (52%) say they are either very interested or fairly interested in playing the title that has your character gliding over the streets of New York as either Peter Parker or Miles Morales.
Even when filtering out PS5 owners, two-fifths of gamers say they are interested in playing the game (41%), although the share of those who say they aren’t interested in playing the game is slightly higher within this cohort (54%).
Looking at other current gen gaming consoles, two-thirds of gamers who own or have access to Nintendo Switch (65%) express an interest in playing Spider-Man 2. The share is slightly lower, but still substantial, among Xbox Series X or S owners at 59%.
The cross-console appetite for a PS5 exclusive ties in with findings published earlier this month about mutual admiration among owners of PlayStation and Xbox systems for each other’s products. Seemingly, this appreciation extends not only to the other console but to high quality console-exclusive titles as well.
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