TikTok power users in Singapore and Thailand
October 11th, 2023, Carmen Yew

TikTok power users in Singapore and Thailand

In the midst of the pandemic, TikTok emerged as a global phenomenon, captivating audiences worldwide with its short-form videos and boundless creativity. The sheer thrill of immersing oneself in an endless stream of user-generated content, effortlessly transitioning from one captivating video to another, has given rise to a distinct category of individuals: TikTok's 'power users.' These enthusiasts are distinguished by the frequency of their daily engagements with the platform.

Our research has uncovered intriguing disparities between Thailand and Singapore in this regard. In Thailand, a remarkable 19% of users find themselves accessing TikTok 10 or more times daily, while in Singapore, this group comprises a slightly more reserved 8%. In our latest infographic, we delve deep into the profiles of these power users, providing a comprehensive overview of their demographics and shedding light on their attitudes toward various sectors.