Nike has launched its own Web3 NFT platform called .Swoosh, currently in beta. Through it, users can buy, sell, trade and co-create virtual sneakers, jerseys and other digital apparel. In the future, consumers will even be able to use the interactive digital objects as wearables in videos games and other immersive experiences. While registrations to join the platform start later this month, the NFT collection launch is scheduled for January 2023.
Would Nike’s customers be interested?
According to YouGov Profiles - which covers demographic, psychographic, attitudinal and behavioral consumer metrics – there is enough optimism to start with as 50% of Nike’s regulars agree with the statement that owning digital assets like NFTs, cryptocurrency, virtual property and land in the Metaverse is a huge opportunity.
In comparison, only 31% of the general US population agrees with the statement. For those that might be hesitant to explore the Metaverse, Nike, through .Swoosh, is looking to “level the playing field” and help “educate” and “onboard” more of the Nike community.
Demographically, Millennials could be the most interested as they make up 56% of Nike’s customers who agree that being able to own digital assets in the Metaverse is a huge opportunity. This is followed by Gen X (28%) and Gen Z (12%).
Encouragingly for Nike, most of its customers (80%) who agree that owning assets like NFTs in the Metaverse is a huge opportunity also agree that they are confident they understand what the Metaverse is. Only 18% are not, and another 2% are on the fence.
Nike’s .Swoosh launch comes at a time the NFT market is caught up in a whirlwind, not to forget the chaos in the cryptocurrency space in particular. One will have to wait and see whether recent developments have a domino effect among Nike’s customers and alter their current Metaverse-related attitudes or not in the run up to .Swoosh’s first digital drop early next year.
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Methodology: YouGov Profiles is based on continuously collected data and rolling surveys, rather than from a single limited questionnaire. Profiles data for the US is nationally representative and weighted by age, gender, education, region, and race. Learn more about Profiles.