How a Nordic financial group uses YouGov’s tools to identify growth opportunities and more
How a Nordic financial group uses YouGov’s tools to identify growth opportunities, respond quickly to market opportunities, and adapt the marketing strategy on an ongoing basis
The business challenge
To better understand core audiences, and continuously track and adjust marketing strategy.
The solution
YouGov’s research solutions, audience intelligence, and tracking tools were used to inform marketing decisions and help create brand engagement amongst core consumer groups.
The results
The group is now the No. 1 brand in terms of ad awareness among their core target group.
Business Challenge
In order to achieve their growth objectives, a Danish financial services group needed to strengthen their brand awareness and position in their already saturated market.
For that purpose, they found that their existing analysis setup did not adequately support their research needs. It was too static and inflexible and could not be used to adapt and adjust marketing plans and campaigns continuously. They needed a new analysis partner that could deliver more flexible and intuitive research tools, with continuously updated data.
Solution & Approach
The group engaged YouGov BrandIndex, an industry-leading daily brand tracking tool that measures public perception of brands across 16 key metrics. This allowed the group to track campaign effectiveness, and its influence on key image parameters and purchase considerations.
The group also used YouGov Profiles, a granular audience intelligence tool, which gave them insight into the lives of their core target groups, including their media habits, interests, and more. This is critical information for evaluating creative presentations and media plans, and evaluating sponsorships. These tools were enriched with data from custom trackers, allowing the group to track and evaluate unaided awareness in the population and their KPIs, such as the trust and effectiveness of different media channels.
Finally, YouGov ran creative tests for the group in order to measure the efficacy of their creative assets, against metrics such as likeability, sender identification, and consideration. This process would help the group to identify the most effective versions of their commercials.
YouGov’s tools allow the group to be reactive to market changes, and continuously customize and improve their campaigns to suit their target groups.
The group also uses the research set up to evaluate and challenge their creative partners and media agency, resulting in higher ad awareness amongst their target group, and a shift away from general TV advertising to more effective addressable TV advertising.
Following their use of YouGov’s tools and research, YouGov BrandIndex showed that the group has significantly increased their ad awareness among their target audience, and raised their position from 5th to 1st most memorable. Alongside this, the group’s trackers also showed significant increases in the group’s other KPIs – especially in their ‘trustworthy’ and ‘treats customers well’ scores, and the unaided awareness metric.
Client Testimonial
“YouGov has genuinely partnered with us in our journey from the very beginning of this relationship. We have been trained and supported but also challenged with new ideas and ways to dive into data.
YouGov’s tools are very flexible with customized dashboards, making it easy to integrate into our decision-making with data updating every day. In addition, it is a very competitive price for everything we get.”
- Brand and Insights Manager, Nordic Financial Group