More than half of Singapore residents would be interested in shopping in virtual reality
Adults aged 18 to 34 most likely to show interest
While digital transformation across work, socialising, and leisure has been expedited in recent years, it is safe to say we are but scratching the surface of a life lived online, especially when we consider the potential of the metaverse. But just how ready are people in Singapore to embrace what has been dubbed “the next chapter for the internet”? Research from YouGov RealTime Omnibus indicates that more than half are interested in shopping in a 3D virtual space (54%), exceeding those who would be open to working (52%) or socialising (48%) in virtual reality.
A comparison of interest across demographics finds that young adults in Singapore are most likely to express interest in shopping in virtual reality, with six in ten of those aged 18-24 (63%) and 25-34 (60%) interested in doing so. As age increases, level of interest drops steadily, with those above 65 accounting for the greatest proportion of disinterest (59%).
The convenience of shopping in the metaverse appears to be an influencing factor, with seven in ten of the interested shoppers saying not having to physically travel to a store (68%) and the facility to check out without having to queue (68%) and would make them want to visit a shop in virtual reality.
Being able to visit more places in a shorter amount of time (63%) and have reduced exposure to pandemic viral transmission (61%) are the next most compelling factors. Of less influence is having personalised recommendations based on an individual’s profile and shopping history, with only four in ten saying this would influence their virtual shopping behaviour (42%).
Among those who are interested in shopping in a 3D virtual space, clothing and fashion stores are a top destination (52%). Grocery stores and supermarkets (46%), tourist attractions (45%), museums and art exhibitions (45%), and department stores (44%) are the next most popular venues, with just under half saying they would be interested in visiting them.
Notably, young adults under the age of 35 are most keen on visiting clothing and fashion stores (57% for 18-24; 54% for 25-34) and museums and art exhibitions (52% for 18-24; 53% for 25-34), while those above the age of 65 are more interested in visiting grocery stores and supermarkets (61%).
***Results based on 1,258 Singapore residents surveyed on YouGov Omnibus