Profile Peek: League of Legends Esport Fans in America
Video gaming isn't just for gamers. A dramatic rise in esport fandom has evolved the already dynamic gaming experience to an interconnected ecosystem of professional teams, brands, agencies, rightsholders, and fans.
Using YouGov Profiles, a proprietary audience profiling and segmentation platform collecting data on 400,000 variables from 230,000 panelists, marketers and researchers can get a deeper understanding of esport fans in America.
Our latest Profile Peek sheds light on key demographic, attitudinal and, behavioral patterns of League of Legend fans in America who are open to sponsorships and recommendations, and shares insights on their gaming identities.
The data shows that League of Legends fans in the US look for games that help them express their personality. More than four in five say that they like when their favorite teams have trendy sponsors (83% vs 33% of the general US population). This audience also tends to pay attention to new lifestyle and digital trends – 72% are among the first of their friends to try new tech products and services, compared to just 31% of Americans.
The Profile Peek gives brand researchers and advertisers quick and actionable insights into a niche subsection of the League of Legend fanbase who set trends and are early adopters and promoters of the latest technology.
The free Profile Peek also provides a unique perception into League of Legend fanbase, including:
- Demographics
- Their gaming identities & attitudes
- Other esports they follow
- How receptive they are to sponsors and advertising
- How much they influence their peer groups
Download the full Profile Peek to discover more about League of Legend fans in America.