December 17th, 2021, New Ideas in Marketing

Understand corporate goals to align market objectives with structural changes

Consider strategic and cultural compatibility when choosing a new marketing structure.

Restructuring marketing organisations models, driven by significant changes like new leadership, unforeseen events (COVID-19 pandemic), offer strategic opportunities. Marketers must conduct a thorough analysis, meticulously plan, and involve the leadership and internal communications when implementing organisational changes based on trends or otherwise.

According to Gartner research, a clear understanding of the corporate goals can help brands set up marketing objectives that are aligned with the structural changes. Use internal communications to communicate the consequences of not making a change and the potential benefits of doing so to gain stakeholders buy-in.

Brands must evaluate the suitability of the new marketing structure before they implement it. Supporting employee autonomy and ownership of "small" change-related tasks can help brands boost staff performance through significant transitions.

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