Global: Tech shortages
10% of consumers across 17 markets have found it harder to buy electrical devices, 7% harder to buy consoles
It’s been a tough year if you’re into electronics: the global chip shortage and supply chain crisis has had some consumers finding it difficult to buy cars, iPhones, dog grooming machines and other items. If you’re a gamer, reports indicate it’s still hard to buy a PS5 or Xbox Series X one year after launch.

But to what extent have consumers been affected? Data from YouGov shows that one in ten (10%) have found it harder to buy electrical devices – with consumers in India (24% - national urban sample) and the UAE (17%) most affected, followed by the Indonesian (15% - online sample), Chinese (12%), and Mexican public (11%). European consumers are broadly less likely to be affected: Britain (5%), France (6%), Sweden (7%), Spain (8%), Poland (8%), Germany (8%), and Denmark (8%) are all at the lower end of the scale.
It's a similar story when it comes to gaming – although, perhaps befitting a more specialist audience, consumers are affected to a lesser extent. Again, India (14%), the UAE (12%) and Indonesia (11%), claim the “top” three spaces in terms of being affected by shortages, and Europeans are less impacted.
The data is based on the interviews of adults aged 18 and over in 17 markets with sample sizes varying between markets. All interviews were conducted online in October 2021. Data from each market uses a nationally representative sample apart from Mexico and India, which use urban representative samples, and Indonesia and Hong Kong, which use online representative samples.
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