Choose relevant B2B content strategies

New Ideas in Marketing - August 9th, 2021

Companies must opt for content strategies that best suit their business models and their buyers’ journey.

B2B companies must ensure their content strategies are connected with their business goals and models. For instance, sales-led B2B companies in industries like healthcare and energy should opt for content that helps them prove their business value and help prospective buyers understand how to implement the product.

Content strategies for product-led businesses like SaaS companies must drive users to try a free version of the product. To this end, create content to help customers understand how the product will solve their problems.

Similarly, companies must also choose content types that are aligned with the buyer’s journey. For instance, top-of-funnel content targets customers who are aware of their problems. This content then answers key user questions in the customers’ search for solutions. Simultaneously, companies can use case studies to explain how their product can solve specific problems.

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