As Told By Teens: Showcasing YouGov's Latest Data
July 28th, 2021, Dan Campbell

As Told By Teens: Showcasing YouGov's Latest Data

Join Lance Fraenkel, Scott Horowitz, Nicole Pike and Ella Pardoe from YouGov as they unveil comprehensive new research into how teenagers see the current world and what they are really looking for, based on anonymized and private surveys with teens themselves.

The data presented comes from our latest innovative product, YouGov Teen Profiles - a ground-breaking solution for future-proofing your marketing and strategy with authentic data intelligence on the behaviors and attitudes of 13-17-year-olds.

YouGov Teen Profiles asks participants a variety of age-appropriate questions spanning a broad range of relevant topics, including media consumption, gaming, sports, retail, online habits, and more. The data is updated monthly and is fully-opt-in and CCPA and GDPR compliant.

Find out more about YouGov Teen Profiles