UK Automobile advertiser of the month: Renault
May 31st, 2021, Rishad Dsouza

UK Automobile advertiser of the month: Renault

In its latest advert for the Zoe E Tech, released in mid-April, car maker Renault draws on the emotional scene of parents bidding their child farewell as they leave home in the pursuit of new endeavours. The commercial may have helped Renault claim the YouGov Automobile Advertiser of the Month crown for May.

YouGov BrandIndex reveals that Renault began experiencing a sharp uptick in Ad Awareness scores soon after the launch of the advert. The brand’s score was 5.3 on April 26 and shot up to 9.4 on May 8. As of May 25, the score has settled at 7.6. The score of 9.4 is the highest Renault has reached throughout 2021.

Renault simultaneously received a slight uptick in Purchase Intent scores as well. Starting at 1.9 on April 26, it rose to 2.7 on May 18 before dipping to 2.2 on May 25.

The automobile market in the United Kingdom may gather some steam with pandemic-related restrictions on the way out. Car-making brands could benefit from this period through effective advertising strategies informed by detailed data.

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Methodology: YouGov BrandIndex collects data on thousands of brands every day. Renault’s Ad Awareness score is based on the question, “Which of the following car makers have you seen an advertisement for in the past two weeks?” and delivered as a percentage. Scores are based on an average daily sample size of 1,282 UK adults from April 26 – May 25, 2021. Figures are based on a 2-week moving average. Learn more about BrandIndex.