Which marijuana products are Americans interested in trying?

Which marijuana products are Americans interested in trying?

Jamie Ballard - April 16th, 2021

As more and more states move towards legalizing marijuana, the cannabis industry is primed to continue growing. Experts have predicted that in 2021, the US cannabis market will likely top $24 billion and more than 3 million new consumers will buy products from licensed stores. But not everyone wants to smoke their weed – this 4/20, some Americans would rather be consuming cannabis as an edible, a concentrate, a beverage, or even a skin product.

Data from YouGov Profiles suggests that Americans are especially interested in trying edibles (27%), meaning baked goods, chocolates, and other foods that have been infused with marijuana. About one in five (21%) express interest in trying marijuana in one of the more common forms, as flower/bud (often smoked in a joint or pipe). A similar number (20%) are interested in trying topical body products infused with cannabis, and 20% would also try ingestible concentrates or extracts, such as pills, lozenges, or oral sprays.

Many Americans (44%) say they would have no interest in any of these products.

What products appeal most to people who aren’t regular marijuana consumers?

Among those say they have never consumed marijuana, there are a few products that pique interest. About one in seven (14%) would be interested in trying topical body products; the same percentage (14%) say they are interested in trying edibles. Slightly fewer are interested in cannabis bath products (9%), ingestible concentrates/extracts (8%), facial beauty products (8%), or cooking ingredients (7%).

Two products that hold very little appeal for people who have never tried marijuana are flower/bud and concentrates/extracts for vaping (3% for both).

Among those who indicated that they don’t currently use marijuana, but that they used to, edibles (35%) appeal the most. About a quarter of this group also expresses interest in ingestible concentrates/extracts (26%) and topical body products (24%). Slightly fewer are interested in flower/bud (22%) or infused beverages (17%).

Cannabis beauty products appeal to women, while men are more interested in vaping or dabbing

Additional data from YouGov Profiles suggests that businesses selling beauty and self-care products in the cannabis space may find more success with women than with men.

Women are more likely than men to be interested in topical body products like lotion with cannabis (24% vs 16%) and in cannabis bath products (15% vs 10%).

Women (14%) are almost twice as likely as men (8%) to express interest in cannabis-infused facial beauty products – though this may be at least in part because women are more likely to be beauty product consumers in the first place.

Men, on the other hand, are especially likely to be interested in concentrates or extracts for vaping/dabbing (17% of men vs 12% of women).

Is there a market for cannabis beverages?

Hard seltzer brands like White Claw, Truly and Bon & Viv found success among millennial drinkers last summer, according to YouGov BrandIndex data. And they might find even more success by expanding their offerings to include cannabis-infused beverages.

About one in seven (15%) Americans overall is interested in trying cannabis-infused beverages, but among those who say their favorite drink is hard seltzer, twice as many (32%) are interested. Those who especially love tequila (26%), craft beer (25%), or ready-to-serve/canned cocktails (24%) are also more likely than most to say they would be interested in cannabis-infused beverages.

Several companies have already begun offering sparkling water infused with THC or CBD, both of which are derived from cannabis.

High-income earners are most interested in edibles and flower

Additional data from YouGov Profiles suggests that Americans with a personal income of $100,000 or more annually tend to be most interested in trying edibles (23%) and flower/bud (20%). Among those with an income between $60,000 and $99,999, edibles also tend to pique interest (26%). A similar percentage of this income bracket is interested in ingestible concentrates/extracts (23%) and flower (22%).

Among those middle-class earners bringing home between $30,000 and $59,999 a year, edibles (25%) and flower/bud (20%) are the most appealing. This is also the case for those earning less than $30,000 a year: 26% are interested in edibles and 22% are interested in flower/bud.

Generation X and Millennials are most interested in marijuana edibles

About one-third of Gen X’ers (32%) and Millennials (30%) would be interested in trying edibles. Slightly fewer members of Generation Z (25%) or the Baby Boomer generation (24%) would want to consume marijuana this way.

Millennials (28%) are more likely than other generations to say they would want to smoke flower/bud. When it comes to ingestible concentrates like pills or lozenges, Millennials (24%) and Gen X’ers (23%) are about equally likely to say they’re interested in trying these.

See full results here.

Related: Six in 10 Americans would legalize marijuana nationally

Methodology: 31,028 US adults were surveyed between April 9 - 11, 2021. The responding sample is weighted to be representative of the US population.

Image: Getty