One-third of Americans believe another event similar to the Capitol breach is very likely

One-third of Americans believe another event similar to the Capitol breach is very likely

Linley Sanders - January 12th, 2021

In the days since the US Capitol was attacked by supporters of President Donald Trump in protest of Joe Biden winning the presidential election, the Federal Bureau of Investigations has warned that additional armed protests are planned across the country and at the Capitol building. With Biden’s inauguration scheduled for January 20, Americans believe the legislative building is vulnerable to another attack.

A new YouGov poll of 5,000 US adults conducted January 11 – 12 shows that two-thirds of Americans (66%) believe it is very likely (34%) or somewhat likely (32%) that an event similar to the Capitol breach will happen in the next week. Four in five Democrats (80%) anticipate another attack around inauguration, compared to two-thirds of Independents (64%) and half of Republicans (50%).

One in five (20%) Americans believe another attack is not very likely (13%) or not at all likely (7%). Republicans are three times as likely (36%) as Democrats (12%) to believe that another breach will not take place again.

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Methodology: 5,718 US adults aged 18+ were asked “How likely, if at all, do you think it is that an event similar to the Capitol breach will happen again leading up to or around the inauguration?” The survey was conducted between January 11 – 12, 2021. The responding sample is weighted to provide a representative sample of the United States.

Image: Getty