Who are the four in ten Britons who say “advertising helps me choose what to buy”?

Who are the four in ten Britons who say “advertising helps me choose what to buy”?

YouGov - September 1st, 2020

They tend to be younger, female and more idealistic

Data from YouGov Profiles shows that close to four in ten Britons (38%) agree with the statement “advertising helps me choose what to buy”.

Such Britons are more likely than the general public to say they like brands that are willing to get involved in social issues (57% vs 44%), and indeed are more inclined to purchase from a brand that expresses views they agree with in their adverts (62% vs 46%).


They are also more likely to say they enjoy watching adverts containing their favourite celebrities, by 43% to 23%.

When we asked where an advertiser would have the greatest chance of grabbing their attention, they were slightly more likely than the average Brit to say the cinema (19% vs 15%) and TV adverts (50% vs 45%).

And when asked specifically about online advertising, they were more likely to say that social media would be a good place to advertise to them (51% vs 43%).

Those who are more influenced by adverts tend to be younger in general. More than a quarter (28%) are aged 18-29, compared to 20% of all Britons. Four in ten are aged 30-50 (compared to 35% of the population). Only a third (32%) are aged 51 or above, compared to 45% of all Britons.

They are also more likely to be female, by 54% to 46%.

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