How YouGov and Salt Branding joined forces in the stock media space
July 23rd, 2019, YouGov

How YouGov and Salt Branding joined forces in the stock media space

A startup in the stock media space had pursued a “house of brands” strategy, creating multiple, media-specific product brands to showcase a multitude of their capabilities. Since the company was evaluating re-branding, they would need a partner who could help them define their new brand strategy. Given the need for both branding expertise and in-depth measurement of customer behavior and preferences, this was a natural opportunity for Salt Branding and YouGov to collaborate.

YouGov targeted creative professionals in a RealTime omnibus survey and measured overall awareness and usage frequency compared to leaders and competitors in the stock media industry. YouGov’s research showed the client’s brands were not competitive with overall market leaders, who carry a premium price tag, in terms of awareness and usage. The research also revealed that the client’s overall brand health metrics: quality, value, reputation, satisfaction, etc., were highly-rated by current users of the client’s products.

Based on the information gained in the brand equity assessment, Salt recommended rebranding to a single master brand, framing a more cohesive and united understanding of the various product offerings and putting more media weight behind a single brand. Custom Research then evaluated a list of candidate brands who were chosen from qualified individuals identified in the initial RealTime research.

Initial results from YouGov’s brand equity study enabled Salt to advise the client that rebranding under a new, single master brand was the best path forward. We were able to provide a shortlist of four recommended rebranding options to the client. The client announced their new rebranding in Fall 2017.

About Salt Branding:

Salt Branding, works with clients to identify what makes brands vital to consumers today. They find the areas of growth among business strategies, market opportunities, and customer insights. “In today’s hyper-connected world, that’s how you reach people – and more importantly, how they reach you.”

Salt connects brands to the importance of engaging their customers, telling compelling stories and making sure they know their brand is essential to consumers.

Solution delivered by: RealTime & Custom Research