Is the future of food flexitarian?
March 18th, 2019, YouGov

Is the future of food flexitarian?

YouGov analysis of Brits' dietary habits and attitudes to meat consumption.

Vegetarianism and veganism are becoming more and more mainstream, with an increasing choice of meat-free options available in restaurants and supermarkets. However, most of the population still consume meat and dairy products.

Among this group of meat-eaters are the 14% of Brits who consider themselves “flexitarians”: while they consume meat occasionally, their diet is mainly plant-based. This is twice as many as pescatarians, vegetarians, and vegans combined.

YouGov’s latest white paper “Is the future of food flexitarian?” looks at how cooking habits and food attitudes differ between those who eat meat and those who don’t. It also explores whether flexitarianism is a stepping stone on the journey to a meat-free diet or a lifestyle choice on its own. The data also reveals how brands can capitalise on the rise of diets free from animal products.