Two fifths of Thai consumers have boycotted a brand

Two fifths of Thai consumers have boycotted a brand

YouGov - December 27th, 2017

New YouGov research reveals four in ten of those who boycotted a brand say they still don’t use it

YouGov’s new Brand Boycotters report explores the nature of consumers that stop using a brand, and underlines how vital it is to placate their anger following adverse headlines. It shows that of those who stopped using a brand, four in ten (39%) still don’t.

Faulty products and cover ups are the top reasons for boycotting a brand (51% and 47%, respectively, of those who have stopped using a brand have done so for these reasons). Nearly three in ten (27%) stopped using a brand because of animals being mistreated; more than the 18% which were prompted by workers in the supply chain being treated badly.


YouGov’s report suggests that although some boycotting consumers do come back eventually, rarely do they use the brand as much as they did before. Indeed, four in ten (39%) say they still do not use the brand, while nearly half (46%) went back to the brand they used it less often. Only 12% used it as much as previously.

Overall, seven in ten (70%) of those who have boycotted a brand and no longer use it as much as they used to (if at all) say they “only buy products from companies that have ethics and values that I agree with”.

There have been a number of cases of brands getting in hot water with consumers over the past couple of years over issues such as product safety or maltreatment of workers in the supply chain. While it is not as straightforward as saying that every time a brand is seen to misbehave it will lose customers, there is a distinct proportion of consumers who will vote with their wallets.

Photo source: iStock