
10 travel personas critical for growth

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Following the COVID-19 shockwaves, travel has firmly rebounded in Great Britain, though not without the adoption of new technologies and expectations. Understanding continued shifts in consumer behaviour, preferences and attitudes will be critical to charting a successful growth strategy for the remainder of the decade.

Globetrotters – 70% of adults in Great Britain have a non-expired/valid passport for international travel

Learn and goers – 64% of Brits say that they like to come back from holiday having learnt something new

Active travellers – 48% of British adults like their holidays to have some form of physical activity

The explorers – 47% of Brits say that they like to go off the beaten track when on holiday

The returners – 40% of adults in GB usually go back to the same places on holiday

Local pioneers – 34% of Britons like to take holidays in the country they live rather than abroad

Recommendation reliant – 30% of Brits get short-break destination inspiration from family and friends

Content cruisers – 29% of adults in Britain say that newspaper and magazine articles on holiday and travel influence their choice of holiday

Last-minute bookers – 28% of Brits usually wait for last minute deals rather than planning their holiday or short break in advance

The DIY-ers – 23% of adults in GB say that they would never think of taking a package holiday

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