Artificial intelligence

Unlock the power of AI with industry-leading data

Data you can trust from the biggest, most representative, connected proprietary panel. The insights you need to train smarter AI solutions.

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Fuel smarter AI

The quality of artificial intelligence depends on the quality of its training data, here’s why you should trust ours:

  • 27+ million verified registered panel members, highly engaged for re-contact capabilities.
  • 55 markets forming one of the world's largest research networks, collecting thousands of data points that are refreshed daily.
  • Unbeatable accuracy. YouGov “consistently outperformed" competitor sample on accuracy - The Pew Research Center.

This breadth and depth of YouGov's data makes it ideal for training sophisticated machine learning models. By providing detailed behavioral, demographic, and psychographic insights, our data helps AI systems learn with precision and accuracy.

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Real-world applications

YouGov’s industry-leading data can be used to build and train smarter AI solutions in many varied ways, from media mix modelling (MMM) to informing trades.

MMM: Integrate consistent, flexible brand health tracking data into your marketing mix model to explore the ROI from improved brand equity and measure the impact of shifts in consumer sentiment.

Inform trades: Use YouGov’s data in conjunction with other data sources to improve the signal of when you should make a trade and in which direction.

Train and validate models: Train your algorithms on an extensive set of variables, from lifestyle choices and hobbies to media consumption and consumer opinion on breaking news.

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AI Qualitative Explorer

Discover the full potential of open-ended responses from your survey data with YouGov AI Qualitative Explorer.

Ideal for capturing unprompted, top-of-mind, opinion on everything from ads and campaigns to brand messaging, this AI-powered tool sifts through unstructured data from large audience surveys, turning it into actionable insights through:

AI-powered analysis: Harness AI to extract and summarize key themes, directly tapping into consumer thinking.

Key themes & sentiments: Highlight key trends and nuanced opinions emerging from your data at a glance.

Interactive dashboard: Navigate themes, subthemes, and direct quotes effortlessly with our user-friendly interface