YouGov Public: political services

Our political sector experts have extensive experience working with academics across national and international institutions and will tailor your questions based on your research objectives.
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woman with long dark hair and research results in background

Robust data - worldwide

YouGov’s politically weighted sample is the easiest way to bring robustness to your political research.

As well as building a representative picture of the country’s socio-demographic profile, we consider and control for respondent’s past voting behaviour to provide you with robust results reflecting what the public thinks.

young guy with curly black hair and data results behind him

Full Service - Political Omnibus

Political omnibus services are available in the UK and Germany, and are perfect for smaller projects
All of our services cover questionnaire design and data tables, including analysis by:


  • age, gender, social grade, region, 2016 EU Ref and 2019 General election votes.
  • Turnaround time is 1 working day. We can also conduct national surveys in Wales and Scotland – please speak to us for further information on these services.


  • past vote decision, age, gender, education, west/east and living area.
  • Turnaround time is 4 working days (Friday – Wednesday).

The sample comprises 2,000 adults (18+) per country and is nationally and politically weighted.

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Our international offering & sample composition

We can offer various different types of sample, depending on the country. Below are the details of the different sample types, along with some indicative countries. For full details, please get in touch.

Politically representative

Sampling, quotas and post-survey weighting on at least age, gender and region, education level, past election vote, political interest and sometimes other factors to ensure representative of whole population:

  • UK, US, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Denmark, Poland, Sweden

Nationally representative with (education/ political) measures

Sampling, quotas and post-survey weighting on at least age, gender and region, sometimes other factors (e.g. education level, past election vote) to ensure representative of whole population:

  • Ireland, Bulgaria, Belgium, Netherlands, Norway, Finland, Portugal, Czechia, Hungary, Austria, Greece, Croatia, Romania, Slovakia

Nationally representative

Sampling, quotas and post-survey weighting on age, gender and region:

  • Switzerland

Nationally representative*

*As per the above 'nationally representative' description, but given availability of the internet nationwide, respondents can tend to be based more in urban areas:

  • Brazil, Argentina, Mexico, Turkey

Online representative

The national statistics used to form quotas and weighting focus only on the online population:

  • Indonesia, Egypt, Malaysia

National urban representative

These are countries with substantial rural populations with low internet access and so the most accurate approach is to use statistics for the urban population only and graduates:

  • India, Saudi Arabia

To run a survey or for more information on sample sizes, turnaround times and sample composition, click here speak to our researchers.

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Tab into deeper insights with connected data

Tap into YouGov’s connected data – we hold thousands of demographic, behavioural and attitudinal datapoints for our panellists that can be included to aid your analysis.

These include income, work sector, household size, education level, main source of news, geographical variables, social media usage etc.


Speciality service

Our experienced researchers can work with you on a range of specialist services and bespoke research depending on your requirements.

Targeted research

Our vast, engaged and highly profiled panel gives you a fast, cost-effective way to reach niche and targeted groups

Large samples

Carry out large sample surveys to allow for granular insight


Track perceptions and attitudes over time, daily, weekly, monthly

Regional research

Target specific regions (there are Welsh and Scottish omnibus services available in the UK), bespoke samples are also available

International research

Reach nationally representative (and in some cases, politically representative) samples in 70 markets worldwide

MRP modelling

Utilise MRP modelling – ideal when looking at aggregate thoughts and opinions in localised context, such as within constituencies or local authorities

Longitudinal surveys

Speak to the same group of people to compare and contrast opinions and attitudes over a period of time

Survey experiments

Run a range of behavioural and social experiments within our survey system. Extensive experience scripting conjoint, split sample and vignette experiments

Qualitative research

Qualitative Research digs deeper into what people think, do and say to really get behind the ‘why’

Political Omnibus rate cards

Get fast turnaround, robust politically weighted results from 2,000 adults.
All costs exclude any relevant tax or VAT





Entry fee

Book space on the leading political omnibus


250 €

Questions format

Single or multiple choice


550 €

Open ended questions

Full verbatim answers (coding services also available at cost)


550 €


Video options available (at cost)




Tabulated Excel tables, or respondent level anonymised data

Included in Question Cost (both can be provided at a cost)

Included in Question Cost (both can be provided at a cost)

Additional Cross Breaks

Per cross break



Contact our experts to discuss your research needs and receive a customised quote.