Infographic: Dubai Expo 2020 Win Has Residents Smiling

Infographic: Dubai Expo 2020 Win Has Residents Smiling

Courtney Parker - January 28th, 2014

A recent survey conducted by YouGov finds 98 percent of online respondents in the UAE know Dubai won the right to host the World Expo 2020. The majority (86 percent) of online respondents are happy Dubai won the Expo 2020 bid and three-quarters (74 percent) say they will attend the Expo 2020.

The largest proportion (57 percent) found out Dubai won the rights to host the Expo through T.V and almost half of online respondents (46 percent) celebrated the win by watching fireworks.

As a result of the Expo ‘win’, 42 percent of online respondents say it is a high priority to change jobs and of those who prioritize changing jobs, 47 percent say they would like to work in a different sector/industry.
