Global Profiles

Unrivaled global audience intelligence

Understand your target audiences in all the markets that matter most to you. With 1,000+ questions in 48 major markets, we offer the world's largest globally consistent audience dataset. Use 200,000+ datapoints to easily build, compare, and contrast detailed portraits of audiences across the globe.

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More metrics, more value.

👉 Enrich your audience understanding with the largest globally consistent selection of demographics, psychographics, attitudinal and behavioral consumer metrics available – with an unmatched 700+ attitudinal points and 150+ media questions.

👉 Understand their thoughts, feelings, behaviors and habits, monitoring global trends, customer behavior, media consumption and more so you can plan targeted campaigns and effective partnerships.

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Consistent questions

Easily compare and contrast audiences, with an unrivalled 1000+ consistent questions across 48 markets.

Rich coverage

Hundreds of thousands of data variables on media consumption, attitudes and more.


Benefit from our cost-effective ‘seat’ model pricing, enabling you to decide product access at a user level.
Ola Sandberg, Brand Strategy & Market Insight Manager, E.ON Nordics Sweden

"YouGov has been our trusted data and insights partner for over 10 years. Their connected data solutions are very intuitive and user friendly and have become essential tools for us when working on our market strategy"

Gradient background showing individual human profiles connected to the Earth, as well as two connecting circles and some sliding bar charts reflecting data.

Optimize your strategy 🚀

👉Create campaigns that resonate across the globe, and confidently tailor your strategy to work in multiple markets or regions.

👉 Conduct research for business expansion, gauge interest in new product launches, build relationships with international partners – YouGov Global Profiles empowers you to drive your business or brand to the next level, and beyond.

A constant eye on brand performance

As innovators and pioneers of online market research, we have a strong reputation as a trusted source of accurate data and insights. Testament to this, YouGov data is regularly referenced by the global press, and we are the most quoted market research source in the world.

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