YouGov’s Consumer Insights for McDonald's Indonesia

Leveraging YouGov's data and analytics tools, we have conducted an analysis on McDonald's overall brand performance against its competitors in Indonesia.

This analysis is created exclusively for McDonald's internal use to help the team to picture a portrait of how the brand is being perceived by their current customers along with the users' attributes.

McDonald's current customers were analysed using YouGov Profiles to generate the below insights, including a glimpse of room for improvement which could be explored and fixed with the right analytics.

  • McDonald's brand health metrics compared to its top competitor
  • McDonald's current customers social and attitudinal attributes
  • Special case study of McDonald's BTS Meal campaign including the media metrics data compared to its competitor's campaigns, and YouGov's analysis on how BTS Meal impacts McDonald's brand perception

Reach out to the YouGov team for a discussion to discuss the findings further and get your questions answered.

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