Sports intelligence
The most comprehensive suite of insight services in the sports industry.
In YouGov’s latest report, The Global Sports Media Landscape, we explore the demand for live programming, the appetite for sports lifestyle focused content, and the opportunities for brands and rights holders to attract wider fan bases.
Our insights combine syndicated YouGov data with deep-dive custom research covering 18 international markets.
Unrivaled data insights
YouGov has over 15 years of living consumer intelligence on the Sports sector. Generate market cut-through in a challenging consumer landscape by exploring our latest industry insights below.
Soldes d’hiver 2025 : ce que les marques doivent savoir sur les comportements d’achat des Français
Salles de sport : faut-il miser sur des initiatives en faveur de l'environnement ?
Jeux Olympiques & Paralympiques : niveau d’intérêt, disciplines phares, notoriété des athlètes…
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