International Omnibus

Reach a global audience with representative or targeted research samples in over 70 markets. Boost your business with the most reliable and accurate research.

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Why YouGov?

Global reach

Research representative samples, or target regional and niche audiences from across the world.

Full support

Your researcher will handle your whole project, including survey design, translations, fieldwork and results.

Fast results

We can deliver your multi-market insights within two weeks, often a lot sooner.

International Omnibus details

Full-service support, including survey design and advice, plus multi-market project co-ordination.

Market Location


Typical sample size (one wave)

Western Europe

c. 1 week or less

1,000/2,000 aged 18+ (16+ available in GB)

Rest of Europe

c. 1-15 weeks

Up to 1,000 aged 18+

North America

c. 1 week or less

1,000/2,000 aged 18+

Middle East

c. 1.5 weeks

Up to 1,000 aged 18+


c. 1 - 1.5 weeks

1,000 aged 18+

Rest of the world

c. 1 - 2 weeks

Up to 1,000 aged 18+