Are gamers more excited about the metaverse in 2023 than they were the previous year?

Are gamers more excited about the metaverse in 2023 than they were the previous year?

Lesley Simeon - August 14th, 2023

Ever since the metaverse first opened its virtual doors to the world, brands have capitalized on the trend and launched activations in a bid to engage their audiences better or provide a novel digital/virtual experience. With consumers perceiving the metaverse in varied ways, it can help brands and businesses could always better understand how excited people are about the metaverse this year compared to 2022.

A new YouGov poll surveying 18 global markets shows that less than two in ten global consumers (17%) say they are more excited about the metaverse than they were last year. Of these respondents, 5% say they are much more excited and more than one in ten of them (12%) say they are somewhat more excited.

While just under a quarter of consumers (24%) say their excitement levels around the metaverse are about the same this year as last, 7% are somewhat less excited and 5% of the consumers are much less excited.

In addition to looking at how excited the general global population is about the metaverse this year, we narrow our focus to look at attitudes among gamers (consumers who play video games on PC/Console for at least an hour every week).

How excited are global gamers about the metaverse this year?

More than half (52%) of the gamers in the UK report they’ve never been excited about the metaverse - the largest proportion of gamers saying so, compared to data from the other markets listed in the piece, followed by US gamers (34%) and gamers in Denmark (23%).

When it comes to being more excited about the metaverse this year than the previous year, gamers in India lead with just over six in ten Indian gamers (61%) saying they are more excited about the metaverse this year compared to last year.

Next, under half of the gamers in the UAE (46%) say they are more excited about the metaverse this year and almost three in ten gamers (29%) feel their excitement around the metaverse is about the same across both years.

In the UK, 9% of gamers are more excited about the metaverse. Nearly two in ten gamers in the UK (18%) are either much less excited or somewhat less excited about the metaverse this year, compared to last year.

In the US, 14% of gamers are more excited about the metaverse this year compared to last. Less than one in ten gamers in Denmark (9%) are more excited about the metaverse this year, than they were last year while 22% of gamers here say they are as excited about the metaverse in 2023 as they were in 2022.

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YouGov Surveys: Serviced provides quick survey results from nationally representative or targeted audiences in multiple markets. The data is based on surveys of adults aged 18+ years in 18 markets with sample sizes varying between 511 and 1999 for each market. All surveys were conducted online in May 2023. Data from each market uses a nationally representative sample apart from Mexico and India, which use urban representative samples, and Indonesia and Hong Kong, which use online representative samples. Learn more about YouGov Surveys: Serviced.

Photo by Sara Kurig on Unsplash