UK Charity Rankings 2022

YouGov CharityIndex
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UK 2022 Charity Rankings
UK 2022 Charity Rankings
UK 2022 Charity Rankings - Top 10 Most Improved

Donor Consideration

The charities in the YouGov UK 2022 Charity Rankings were ranked using the Donor Consideration score - a daily measure of which charities the nation would likely donate to tomorrow - according to YouGov CharityIndex.

The rankings chart shows the brands with the highest average Donor Consideration score between 1st January to December 31st 2021. The scores are representative of the general population of adults 18+. The Most Improved Rankings chart shows the brands with the highest increase in Donor Consideration score comparing 1st January to December 31st 2020 to 1st January to December 31st 2021.

All scores listed have been rounded to a single decimal place; however, we have used additional precision to assign ranks. All brands must have been tracked for at least six months in order to be eligible for inclusion in the rankings.