Fast research surveys

Cost-effective and reliable research

Accuracy, speed, and expertise. Whether self-service or using the support of our research team, get fast-turnaround data for consumer-led decisions.

Use our rapid self-service platform to build and launch your own surveys, or get nationally representative survey results as soon as the next day by submitting your questions to our constantly running Omnibus range.

Start your research

Rich, flexible Omnibus research

Fast, cost-effective data from the most quoted research company in the world. (Meltwater 2022)

Choose from Nationally Representative or niche audiences with our industry-leading Omnibus and targeted survey solution. All research data is delivered in our modern platform for simple, powerful analysis.

Win pitches, plan campaigns, develop products, and generate media coverage backed by our first-in-class technology and research expertise.

Benefit from fast, accurate data

Quality and accuracy:
Clients praise our robust data, market acumen, and attention to detail.

Speed and reach:
Accurate, representative, actionable results within days. The size and depth of our panel means you can reach highly niche groups and have infinite ways to cut your data.

Responsiveness and expertise:
Our team of researchers are standing by to make sure questions are fielded quickly and follow best practices.

Fast, self-serve survey results

Our self-service YouGov Surveys platform was built to help you precisely target specific audiences, fast.

Set up an account and create targeted surveys within minutes, and watch real-time results roll in, completing your results in as fast as an hour.

With over 2 million profiling datapoints, the unrivaled granularity helps our clients easily analyze their data intelligence in an easy-to-use platform. Run ad and product concept testing on an opt-in, fraud-free platform that’s underpinned by Blockchain technology.

Explore our research solutions

Success stories

Why YouGov?

Take a note from businesses who are research savvy.
Go on... you’re in good company.

“With YouGov’s rapid pre-test capabilities we are able to gain a valuable understanding of consumer sentiment so we can make data-informed, strategic marketing decisions before the ad launches on TV.”

Clare White, Head of Marketing Communications