Agencies intelligence
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Discover changes in media consumption, attitudes to sustainability and media loyalty challenges across global markets.
Understand how media behavior has changed during the last 12 months, and what the future media landscape might look like in 2023.
A guide for marketers and advertisers in connecting with global audiences in the future, exploring attitudes to sustainability in advertising and more.
Unrivaled data insights
YouGov has over 15 years of living consumer intelligence for agencies. Ensure you win the pitches that matter, build brands and stand above your competitors, by exploring our latest insights below.
Concerns rise over ticket scalping and dynamic pricing for live events in the UK
How Havas Village built a connected insights and audience platform with YouGov
AI integration into products has a no major impact on two in five consumers’ purchasing decisions
Where are viewers most likely to notice promotional campaigns for new movies?
To trust or not to trust - Consumers trust German products the most, Chinese ones the least
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Can be quoted in the media as a YouGov survey
Custom Research
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Nationally representative samples and targeted audiences
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Data available in YouGov Crunch
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Can be quoted in the media as a YouGov survey
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How we can help you
Identify and understand target audiences
Track brands and campaigns
Surveys & research
Agencies success stories
Our products and services help the world’s most recognised brands, media owners, and agencies.
"Being able to tap into YouGov’s suite of products allowed us to evaluate and directly attribute the increase in brand awareness for Coors Banquet... using YouGov BrandIndex for brand health tracking, combined with YouGov Profiles"