Det rödgröna blocket störst – men fortsatt jämnt mellan blockenPublic opinion and the social media crisisFazer ykkösenä BrandIndex-pöhinämittauksessaRema 1000 er Danmarks bedst omtalte brandHer er Norges snakkis-topp for 2017Sveriges mest positivt omtalade varumärken 2017Emirates, Almarai and Facebook are most positively perceived brands in MENA three years running Mobile survey participation rises to 61% as YouGov offers purely digital research service in MENA2017: Hyvä vai huono vuosi?2017: Et godt eller dårligt år?2017: Et godt eller dårlig år?2017: Ett bra eller dåligt år?Rise of streaming services sees radio and CDs suffer while broadcast TV stands strong42% of Thai believe businesses have a responsibility to prevent environmental damageHalf of Hong Kongers believe businesses have a responsibility to prevent environmental damage63% of Filipinos believe businesses have a responsibility to prevent environmental damage43% of Indonesians believe businesses have a responsibility to prevent environmental damage52% of Malaysians believe businesses have a responsibility to prevent environmental damageTrump mest omtalt i norske medier i fjorTwo fifths of Thai consumers have boycotted a brand30% of Malaysian consumers have boycotted a brandA third of Indonesian consumers have boycotted a brandCentern tappar när Moderaterna knappar in på SUAE among top countries for female workplace equality in MENANäin anteliaita olemme joulunaSå gavmilde er vi i julenÄr det roligast att ge eller få julklappar?Så gavmilde er vi i julenBriefs are the underwear of choice among both men and womenRanked: the best Christmas chocolatesAus diesen Gründen entfernen die Deutschen Apps vom SmartphoneAnanas, Flamingo & Co.: Wie Marken vom Hype um Trendmotiven profitierenFast fashion: 40% of Thais have thrown away clothing after wearing it just onceFast fashion: 27% of Malaysians have thrown away clothing after wearing it just onceFast fashion: 39% of Hong Kongers have thrown away clothing after wearing it just onceFast fashion: 3 in 10 Indonesians have thrown away clothing after wearing it just onceFast fashion: a third of Filipinos have thrown away clothing after wearing it just once20-country study finds personality is more important than good looks in a romantic partnerHype um Ananas, Flamingo & Co.: Jeder Zweite kauft Produkte mit Trendmotiven 20-Country study finds personality is more important than good looks in a romantic partnerLack of energy tops the list for why Americans order delivery foodFußballstars als Markenbotschafter: Thomas Müller und Manuel Neuer besonders beliebtHvad prioriterer vi ved en kæreste?Mitä asioita pidämme tärkeinä kumppanissa?Hvilke egenskaper ser vi etter hos en partner?Vad föredrar vi hos en kärlekspartner?20-country study finds that people are more likely to value a partner’s personality over their looks20-country study finds that people are more likely to value a partner’s personality over their looks20-country study finds that people are more likely to value a partner’s personality over their looks20-country study finds that people are more likely to value a partner’s personality over their looks72% of UAE residents plan something extraordinary this UAE National Day Fast die Hälfte der Smartphone-Nutzer verwendet ausschließlich Apps vom StartbildschirmSverigedemokraterna backar i opinionenFour in ten Hong Kongers have used internet dating4 in 10 Thais have used internet datingA third of Indonesians have used internet datingHalf of Filipinos have used internet dating3 in 10 Malaysians have used internet dating78% of UAE's employed are thinking of starting their own business or have already attempted to do soEmaar, Emirates and iPhone lead brand advocacy in Middle East countriesSammelaktionen: Jeder Dritte hat bereits im Einzelhandel daran teilgenommenSveriges mest rekommenderade varumärken 2017Danmarks mest anbefalede brands 2017Suomen suositelluimmat brändit 2017Norges mest anbefalte merkevarer 2017Inger Støjbergs popularitet er faldendeStudie: Jeder Achte wendet Smart Home-Anwendungen anDeutsche zeigen sich beim Thema Mehrkosten für Fleischwaren aus artgerechter Haltung gespaltenShould men always pay the bill on a first date?„I bims vong der Jugend“: Mehrheit ist genervt von Jugend- bzw. Netzsprache David Beckham scores for AIAWalmart will likely fare well in the grocery revolutionJeder Fünfte hat schon einmal ein Veranstaltungsticket weiterverkauftKFC and Burger King nab viral marketing victoriesInfographic: FIFA World Cup 2018 Qualification - Reaction from Egypt and Saudi Arabia 94% of UAE in-house marketers say engaging with social media influencers benefits their brandOctober’s most successful ad – BNIMost Americans have rejected someone for not being their “type” Volksleiden unkontrollierter Harnverlust – 40 Prozent der Deutschen betroffenLebensmitteleinzelhandel steht vor großen Veränderungen Millennials feel better represented by the media than by advertisingMillennials and baby boomers feel better represented by the media than by advertisingMillennials feel better represented by the media than by advertisingMillennials and baby boomers feel better represented by the media than by advertisingMillennials feel better represented by the media than by advertisingDigital platforms need to beware of “fake news” to maintain GCC consumer trustDas Wachstum von Netflix scheint unaufhaltbar67 Prozent der Verbraucher haben schon einmal ein Unternehmen boykottiert How common are psychic moments? 1 in 3 Americans feel they have experienced oneGrocers of the future: Room enough for both Amazon and AldiTwo-thirds of Thais believe robots will take jobs away from many of usAlmost two-thirds of Filipinos believe robots will take jobs away from many of themTwo-thirds of Malaysians believe robots will take jobs away from many of usNearly two-thirds of Indonesians believe robots will take jobs away from many of usTwo-thirds of Hong Kongers believe robots will take jobs away from many of usEight in 10 Indian women have faced "mansplaining"Moderaterna ökar i opinionenJoka neljäs juhlii halloweeniaAbsatzmarkt Halloween: Ausgabebereitschaft beträgt 480 Millionen Euro 1 av 5 svenskar kommer att ha godis hemma till barn som frågar efter ”bus eller godis” Sådan fejrer vi HalloweenNorge er klar for knask eller knepStudie zum Weltspartag: Paare sind sparfreudiger als SinglesShould tampons and pads be free public restrooms? 50% of women say yesMost Republicans would ban gay or transgender characters from elementary school librariesBrett- und Kartenspiele für zwei Drittel Fluchtmöglichkeit in die analoge WeltAbu Dhabi and Dubai ranked top cities to live and work in the Middle EastFacebook and Apple are most viral brands among Middle East millennialsYouGov-Trends für das digitale Marketing1 in 3 people have changed their behaviour based on their horoscopeMehrheit der Deutschen lehnt Lebensmittelverschwendung abDe unges topp 10 innen merkevarerEight in 10 Saudis agree women should drive in the KingdomDeutschland, ein Land der „Binge-Watcher“TV-Werbung: Auch bei Video-on-Demand Nutzern der effektivste Werbekanal 86% of Indonesian women who have suffered from period pain say it has affected their ability to work90% of Thai women who have suffered from period pain say it has affected their ability to work88% of Filipino women who have suffered from period pain say it has affected their ability to work93% of Hong Kong women who have suffered from period pain say it has affected their ability to work80% of Malaysian women who have suffered from period pain say it has affected their ability to workMedia better represents millennials and baby boomers than advertising Nuorten Top 10 -bränditSeptember’s most successful ad – UniqloDe unges top 10 inden for varemærkerDe ungas topp 10 när det gäller varumärken53% of millennial women have received a naked photo from a manLife for TV ads persists despite the rising popularity of subscription videoMajor car brands may be in line for a boost from Saudi women8 in 10 GCC media professionals believe data adds weight to a PR storyYes to sandals, no to flip flops – YouGov’s guide to office attireHaving a financial planner; Frequency of communicating with planner; Preferred financial servicesConsiderations in choosing airline;Willingness to pay for extra services;Premium vs low-cost carrierTypes of credit cards; Types of mobile wallets; Preferred modes for daily transactionsWhat contributes to littering; Reusing plastic shopping bags; Reducing use of plastic bagsAge group; Frequency of donating to charity; Type of donations madePlaying a sport; Gender inequality in sports; Sports where gender inequality is most prevalentRest; Laughter; Interesting deedsChecking phone first time everyday; Checking phone last time everyday; View towards free public WiFiAugust’s most successful ad – AXANäin rehellisiä olisimme vieraille ihmisilleSå ærlige er vi overfor fremmede menneskerSå ärliga är vi mot främmande människorSå ærlige er vi over for fremmede menneskerAugust’s most successful ad – ShopeeThe Arab world: A perspective from BritainStödet för S växerRecruiters beware! One in five people in APAC admit to having lied on their CVDescribe current manager; Traits of highly effective people; Culture at current workplaceNumber of annual holidays; Factors in considering holiday destination; Holiday spend per personFrequency of flying; Likes about flying; Dislikes about flyingVictorian vs. Medieval garb: which is more stylish? Vision 2030 sets great expectations for real estate investment in KSACurrent job function; Ghosts versus Artificial Intelligence; Concerns related to AI taking over jobsEver been to amusement park; Attitude towards roller coasters; Favourite parts of roller coaster ridReaction to new Apple products; Reaction to new iPhone features; Intent to buy new iPhone XSocial media to announce achievements; Someone else for a day; Importance of fameIncoming Topshop CEO faces strong competition at home, online, and abroadAugust’s most successful ad – Bar B Q PlazaLanguage proficiency; Top languages being learned; Top reasons to learn a new languageFavourite type of chocolate; Excitement about ruby chocolate; Health benefits of eating chocolatesCurrently on diet; Neglecting diet when eating out; Expectation from cafes Spendenbüchse der Zukunft: Das ist potenziellen Spendern wichtigTapping into the singles’ economy: What are the most popular activities consumers do alone?Impact of internet giants on our lives; Likely decline of internet giants; Trust in internet giantsCompelling children to take art lessons; Importance of genes; Factors in determining talentViews on school uniforms; Parents’ preference for their children; Schools requiring uniformsHyperpersonalisierung: Ein zweischneidiges Schwert49% of millennials intend to watch the EmmysAlleinstellungsmerkmal: Virtual Dressing Room UAE retains top spot as most appealing real estate investment market for GCC investorsThree-quarters of APAC residents think it’s OK for women to propose to menSupermarket etiquette; Offering to checkout first; Reading magazines at checkoutDigitale Assistenten als GatekeeperTypes of appliances purchased; Point of purchase; Views on energy efficient ratingsPreferred media to watch movies; Frequency of visiting cinema; Favourite snacks with moviesMer än var fjärde har bojkottat ett varumärkeHver fjerde forbruger har boykottet et varemærkeMore French people want the UK to leave the EU than stay inKommunikation per Chatbot: Für jeden Zweiten vorstellbarBlockchain als nächste Stufe des InternetsContent consumption; Content devices; Content languagesReading habits; Ability to finish a book; Lifespan of physical booksFinding breaking news; Consuming news; Reliable news Blå partier står svagt før forhandlingerBlockchain – Revolution: Nur wenige Deutsche kennen den BegriffMobile phone purchasing; Online shopping behaviour; Trusting e-commerce websitesTime spent watching TV; Habits while watching TV; TV sources Blähungen: Tabus beim Namen nennenVirtuelles Anprobieren: Schon vor Online-Kauf wissen, ob Kleidung passtFitness frequency; Fitness routines; Fitness spendingKeep your friends close and your frenemies closerBest way to spend Eid; Eid holiday destinations; Eid at homeJudging people by their shoes; Interview shoes; Matching your shoes with your outfitSmartphone usage during the day; Smartphone usage at night; Popularity of smartphone usage alert appHealth of fruit juices v flavoured water; Energy drinks v soda drinks; Soda drinks v fruit juices Is it normal to have romantic feelings for someone besides your spouse? 15% of married adults haveDer Automobilmarkt steht vor radikalem UmbruchEducation's role in success; Reasons to pursue a degree; Reconsidering choices of educationTypes of toy gifts bought; Recipient's gender profile; Unintentional gender stereotypingRise of the fitness fanatics: A third of Hong Kongers run for at least half an hour each weekDie Bankfiliale von Morgen: Das SmartphoneAd of the month – 7-ElevenPlans to watch solar eclipse; Myths related to a solar eclipse; Willingness to migrate to MarsAd of the month – 7-Eleven1 av 5 har varit med om att dejten inte såg ut som på bildenNumber of cigarettes smoked; Plans to quit smoking; Ways to help quit smoking68% of APAC residents believe there is a problem with fake news on digital platformsInsolvenz von Air Berlin: 17 Prozent haben Angst vor Pleite eines LeistungsträgersStart der Saison 2017/2018: Was in der Bundesliga-Sommerpause geschahS fortsatt största parti - trots IT-skandalenEM i Holland har skabt øget interesse for kvindefodboldSB-Kassen zwischen Zeitersparnis und Image-SchreckHvad mener fodboldfans om den nye turneringsstruktur i Superligaen?Google topper YouGovs første globale imagerankingSix in 10 fresh graduates want to work in the UAEInfographic: New Pulse of India study shows overriding optimism for the future of IndiaWeniger Sonntags-Shopping-Gegner Majority of APAC residents (56%) believe masculinity and femininity are socially constructedWeight, stress and anxiety are the biggest health concerns for young people in Hong KongFor the majority of Americans, racial diversity on TV is not importantAmerican public tuned into the Qatar crisisYouGov Affluent Perspective: 77% of consumers want a personal connection to stay brand loyalÜber WhatsApp mit Kunden kommunizierenSingapore’s lovin’ it! New McDonald’s menu proves a hit with younger generationsCyber-Attacken: Hochriskante Lage für Unternehmen Cadbury, Ferrero Rocher, Nestlé, Hershey’s and Lindt are APAC’s favourite chocolatiersDieselskandal hat massive Auswirkungen: Deutsche stellen Autokauf zurück und blicken ins Ausland Wie Amazon sein Universum ausbautGoogle tops YouGov’s inaugural global brand health rankings95% of APAC residents support new measures to tackle obesity Google tops YouGov’s inaugural global brand health rankingsQuarterly Report: Domino'sEssens-Lieferdienste radeln in deutschen Städten um die WetteQoo10’s ambitions look to build on strong baseIs it normal to read your partner's text messages?Only 11% of APAC consumers primarily use apps to order their pizza delivery48% of Indians agree GST will accelerate Indian GDP growthOnline fears of Britain and US differ to those of Germans, French and people in the NordicsEmojis in der Unternehmenskommunikation: Ein zweischneidiges Schwert How do GCC millennials shop online?Emojis in der KundenkommunikationQuarterly Report: Yum China HoldingsSummer holidays in Europe and the USA: dream destinations, holiday disasters, and switching off Who are the laziest people in APAC?Sicherheitsbedenken der Bundesbürger bremsen ein bargeldloses DeutschlandStudie zeigt: WhatsApp ist in der Unternehmenskommunikation längst überfälligFredag och lördag i hård konkurrens om att vara favoritPerjantai ja lauantai taistelevat tiukasti suosiostaFredag er ukens beste dag, tett etterfulgt av lørdagFredag og lørdag i konkurrence om at være favoritNearly half of APAC residents believe children’s toys are too genderedLosing religion? 14% of US adults have left their religion and not joined anotherYouGov Affluent Perspective 2017: Vacation Rental PropertiesVarannan svensk tar med sig arbetet hem på semesternJoka toinen suomalainen tekee töitä lomallaAnnenhver nordmann tar jobben med på ferienHver anden dansker tager arbejdet med på ferien20 years of Harry Potter: Britain is a nation of HufflepuffsEn ny modelMiljöpartiet är tillbakaLebensmittelbranche: Amazon übernimmt Supermarktkette Whole Foods 1 av 3 har ändrat sitt beteende sedan de började titta på SkamHow to avoid annoying people on public transportFree time is scarce for parents of children under 18Our fresh election methodology can benefit your organisationAmerica won't go cashless until consumers know their money is safeICC Champions Trophy 2017 – Who will make it to the finals?Hvad er forskellen på en øst- og en vestdansker?YouGov lanserar ett nytt profileringsverktygOver 70% of APAC Respondents Think Life Should Be FairHow did YouGov get It right? - 2017 UK ElectionMegatrends: Deutsche sind offen für neue Technologien – viele plagen aber auch SicherheitsbedenkenHow YouGov’s election model compares with the final resultMegatrends: Deutsche sind offen für neue Technologien – viele plagen aber auch SicherheitsbedenkenInfographic: Issues Related to Food WastageTwo methods, one commitment: YouGov’s polling and model at the 2017 electionFinal call poll: Tories lead by seven points and set to increase majorityNearly half of UAE residents say salaries are on the riseHvilke forlystelsesparker kan danskerne bedst lide?Study shows 15-point boost in support for Trump in Saudi Arabia following visitHow the YouGov model for the 2017 General Election worksIntroducing YouGov's 2017 election modelKesä on suomalaisille mieluisinNordmenn foretrekker sommerenSvenskarna föredrar sommarHer er vores yndlingssæsonWie Versicherer mit smarten Daten zum Schutzengel werden3 av 5 firar Mors dagSmart Health: Die digitale SelbstvermessungYouGov lancerer nyt profilværktøjMillennial travelers look for individualised, cultural experiencesInfographic: Ramadan Planning for 2017Ygeman och Löfvens popularitet ökarFitnessbranche: Hohes Neukundenpotenzial für FitnessstudiosBeing a mum is never easy. Over half of the APAC respondents think it is even harder today!Are millennial travellers re-writing the tourism landscape?Who reads reviews? One-third of Americans always check reviews before making a purchase75% of APAC respondents think a mother’s right to breastfeed in public should be protected by lawAlmost 90% of Thai respondents say they trust banks3 out of 4 Hong Kong respondents say they trust banksHow much do people trust banks globally? 83% of UAE residents choose paintings as major art form 81% of Americans cannot identify Arab world on mapHow much do people trust banks globally? What innovation would be the most beneficial for humanity?Revanchevalget er udskrevetPaketlieferung: Wunschtermin wichtiger als Lieferung am selben TagEdgar Allan Poe is the most popular poet in AmericaVores kollegaer irriterer osVåra kollegor irriterar ossArab News partners with YouGov to survey hearts and minds of public in Middle East and beyondVänsterpartiet tappar väljareVerpackung ade – Zero Waste bei Lebensmitteln voll im Trend42% of APAC respondents are interested in making in-flight VoIP calls in the futureSupermarkt ade? Fast jeder zweite Deutsche ist offen für die Online-Lebensmittelbestellung Chinese economic optimism far surpasses that of gloomy EuropeDie Mehrheit der Deutschen macht auch zu Ostern GeschenkeDas Wechselkarussell im Bankensektor nimmt an Fahrt aufTrump trumfer nyhetsbildet i årets første kvartalStudie: Bereits jeder Fünfte nutzt Online-Essenbestelldienste Politisches Informationsverhalten der Deutschen: Messenger und Social Media hoch im KursPolitisches Informationsverhalten der Deutschen: Messenger und Social Media hoch im KursStudie: Bereits jeder Fünfte nutzt Online-Essenbestelldienste – Potenzial aber deutlich größerContent Marketing im FMCG-Bereich: Mit Prominenten funktioniert’sBemitleidenswert war gestern – Deutsche Singles leben mehrheitlich aus Überzeugung alleine MENA Ad of the month – Air Arabia in the UAEAttitudes to Brexit: Everything we know so farDisse ingredienser frygter nordiske forbrugereNämä ruoka-aineet pelottavat pohjoismaalaisiaDisse ingrediensene bekymrer nordiske forbrukereDe här ingredienserna är nordiska konsumenter rädda förSå många svenskar hade helst velat slippa sommartidHver tredje vil gerne slippe af med sommertid2 av 5 vil gjerne slippe sommertidAlmost half of APAC respondents think it's not okay to wear socks with sandalsNu ökar LiberalernaSuomalaiset haluavat eroon kesäajastaHalf of Americans take a daily vitaminSmart Health: Deutsche sind offen für digitale Übermittlung von Gesundheitsdaten an ÄrzteFree zone creation and transparency will ensure growth of uae capital’s real estate sectorDiverse local and international exhibitors to unveil new projects at this year’s Cityscape EgyptWould Americans follow The Prime Directive?Søren Pape Poulsen er den mest populære ministerSmart Health: Deutsche offen für digitale Übermittlung von Gesundheitsdaten an den ArztKlassische Reiseanbieter erreichen Millennials nichtTourismus-Studie: Traditionelle Anbieter vernachlässigen die Generation YNaisten mielikuvat brändeistäKvinnenes topp ti innenfor merkevarerKvindernes top ti inden for varemærkerDe 10 mest populära varumärkena bland kvinnorEmirates is the top brand among Women in the UAETwo in five APAC respondents think commercial space flight will be possible after 2025DF har vendt de negative målingerStudie zur Digitalisierung: Online und Offline verschmelzen zunehmendGeneration X, Y og Z: Hvad brænder du for?Highlight of the month – Nokia on the riseOscars nominations influence just 12% of cinemagoersModeraterna rasar efter SD-utspelThe fallout from Ford’s withdrawal from Indonesia one year onHvordan adskiller holdninger til work-life balancen sig verden over?Almost 40% of APAC respondents have already broken their New Year’s resolutions in FebruarySuomalaiset eivät usko sote-uudistuksen myönteisiin vaikutuksiinHur skiljer sig synen på gränserna mellan jobb och fritid åt världen över?Rechtsschutzversicherungen: Jeder achte Versicherte steht Up-Selling offen gegenüber Despite the m-commerce hype just 15% of APAC consumers used apps to buy apparel in the past yearStudie: Hohe Akzeptanz für Content MarketingDUM, statistik og medietillidFish is the most popular dish to bring in the year of the RoosterEnthusiasm for NATO far lower in US than in EuropeAusschließlichkeit: Digitale Unterstützungsleistungen der Zentrale von Vertretern kritisch bewertetStudie: Makler unterschätzen Gefahr durch InsurTechsFor the Love of Shopping – Dubai Shopping Festival in NumbersSuomen parhaat brändit 2016Her er merkevarene som får mest positiv omtale i 2016Här är ministrarna som blir mer populäraNordmenns reisevaner 2017People across Europe and Asia now have a lower opinion of America and Americans because of TrumpDanmarks bedst omtalte brands 2016Sveriges bäst omtalade varumärken 2016Kunden erkennen deutliche Vorteile in der Digitalisierung der VersicherungsbrancheThe Top Brands in 2016 – Highlights from the BrandIndex Buzz RankingsInfographic: 92% of millennials in the GCC believe climate change is a real threatGlobal survey: 2016 has been a bad year for the worldNytårsgave til den nye regeringEurotrack: Pohjoismaat suhtautuvat tulevaan vuoteen positiivisimminEurotrack: De nordiske lande er mest optimistiske omkring 2017Eurotrack: De nordiske landene er mest positive til året som ligger foran ossEurotrack: De nordiska länderna är mest positiva till det nya åretAPAC respondents would most like to see new Formula 1 race in Hong KongSejret ad helvede tilEurotrack: Countries thought 2016 was bad...but many fear 2017 will be worseNew Years Eve in the GCC - InfographicDF står til den laveste vælgeropbakning siden foråret 2012Moderaterna tappar väljareMENA Ad of the month – in EgyptOver half of APAC consumers will exchange gifts during Christmas Women in the UAE Believe They Have Same Level of Workplace Equality as Their Western CounterpartsNorges mest anbefalte merkevarerGlädjen i att geGlæden ved at giveAntamisen iloaGleden ved å giFestivities around the world: how do attitudes to Christmas differ globally? Home Grown Brands Dominate UAE’s First Annual Consumer Advocacy RankingsSveriges mest rekommenderade varumärken Suomen suositelluimmat bränditInfographic: Majority of UAE Residents Excited for Driverless CarsThe UAE’s favourite sporting events of the holiday seasonDanmarks mest anbefalede brandsValgdeltagelse som usikkerhedsfaktor1 av 3 gir bidrag til veldedige organisasjoner i julaTvå av fem skänker till välgörenhet under julenLähes joka kolmas lahjoittaa hyväntekeväisyyteen jouluna2 ud af 5 bidrager til velgørenhed i julenUS presidential election result sends shockwaves through APACDubai and Abu Dhabi Emerge as the Top Cities in the Middle EastInternational survey: globalisation is still seen as a force for good in the worldMENA Ad of the month – UAE’s Global VillageInternational survey: globalisation is still seen as a force for good in the worldAPAC is united when it comes to cosmetics; lipstick is indispensable and quality trumps priceLaunch of Prompt Pay tempts Thai consumersBrands beware: Don't overdo it with the emojisHow do attitudes to work and work-life balance differ around the world? International survey: globalisation is still seen as a force for good in the worldHär är ministrarna som minskar i popularitetNye Borgerlige stormer fremFirst thoughts on polling problems in the 2016 U.S. electionsOver 80% China Consumers Are Planning to Shop on Singles' DayCooperative Congressional Election Study: Clinton leads Trump by 4Final Economist/YouGov Poll shows Clinton with a 4-point national leadYouGov’s final pre-election polls in Battleground states: Trump still coming up shortHalf of MENA citizens would not vote in the US election if given the chanceHvilken dansk avis er bedst klædt på til fremtiden?Dansk Folkeparti står til at det dårligste resultat i fire årFollowing FBI statement, Clinton leads Trump by threeIf Malaysians were to rename the “Hotdog”Sweet Treats – What are The UAE’s top Chocolate treats for Halloween and Diwali?Sports MENA: Consumer Close-Up 2016Europeans: Trump would be a terrible president, Clinton an average one2 av 3 svenska bilägare har upplevt ilska i trafikenClose family/friend network is biggest contributor to health and happiness for Dubai residentsInfographic: 2016 Middle East Real Estate Barometer KSAUppgång för KD och AlliansenSuveræn måling til SBattlegrounds: Presidential race tight in Florida – and TexasSamsung Mobile’s Galaxy Note 7 dilemma – how much has it truly impacted the brand in the UAE?Jetzt herunterladen: Zukunftstrend E-FoodDisse sakene har gjort mest inntrykk i tredje kvartal i årNye Borgerlige klar til Folketinget Clinton's lead persists, as Democrats' enthusiasm for her candidacy growsUAE residents show promise for a greener communityThe YouGov Model: The State of the 2016 US Presidential ElectionMajority of APAC respondents have heard of Pokémon Go and found the concept interestingAmericans think Clinton beat Trump in first presidential debateMålinger midt i en hypePrivate sector to drive job growth in MENANye Borgerlige står til at få over fire procent af stemmerneFew smartphone users interested in phones without headphone jacksKD ligger under spärrenPokémon Go får nordmenn opp av sofaenClinton and Trump tied in battleground statesPokémon GO får upp svenskarna ur soffanInfographic: Will Pokémon fever catch on in the UAE?Ticket är svenskarnas favorit bland resesöksajterBattlegrounds: Clinton holds onto Ohio lead as gap narrows in FloridaLiberal Alliance går tilbage efter skatteultimatumPokémon Go saa suomalaiset ylös sohvaltaPokémon Go får danskerne op af lænestolenInfographic: 2016 Real Estate BarometerAnnoying ads: Just one of the many reasons why people use ad blockersPizza by drone: many consumers doubt the handoff will go smoothlyDanskerne imod SU-besparelserVergleichsportale: Der einfache Abschluss ist wichtiger als die neutrale Darstellung von Vergleichen9 in 10 UAE residents want to host the Olympic GamesSom man spørger ...Ranking: Die Kompetenzwahrnehmung der Versicherer nach SpartenVersicherungsbranche: Hohe Akzeptanz von Sponsoring-Engagements unter VersichertenElection seen as a battle between good and evil71% of UAE residents take advice from social media influencers before buying productsAnna Kinberg Batra är mest omtycktVolvo på Buzz-toppen i SverigeClinton leads in Florida and New Hampshire; Trump holds on in Georgia Kiwi er på snakkis-toppenRema 1000 haler ind på Danmarks bedst omtalte brandThe Olympic Games - the UAE's second most popular sporting eventHari Raya as the Major Family Time in Indonesia and Malaysia during the Year, Says YouGov PollYoung people, payment apps, and the expectation of a cashless futureLidl edelleen pöhinämittarin kärjessäAcross APAC, Netflix is most welcomed in the Philippines and ChinaAcross APAC, Netflix is Most Welcomed in Philippines & ChinaInsufficient work experience and job search knowledge block fresh graduates from employmentBereute Elternschaft: Vorstellung der Studie "Regretting Parenthood", 28.07.2016, 10 UhrInsurTechs werden als innovativ, aber nicht unbedingt seriös wahrgenommenThe multi-screeners: observant of ads and in search of buying adviceBiometrische Versicherungsprodukte: Private Pflegeversicherung aus Maklersicht besonders wichtigVersicherungsbranche: Hohe Wahrnehmung von GütesiegelnEmirates, Almarai and Facebook - the Middle East's Best Brands in 2016Trotz großer Angst vor Einbrüchen: Einbruchschutz oft ohne BeratungQualitative Studie: Hohe Flexibilität für Kunden bei Altersvorsorgeprodukten entscheidendOnline-Werbung: Mehrheit der Nutzer von Adblockern hat diese ständig aktiviert