
Brands step up to aid vaccine efforts and reap the reputational rewardsNine in ten British drivers don’t change their tyres over in winter and summer Who donates to food banks? One-third of Americans believe another event similar to the Capitol breach is very likelyThree reasons why American wanderlust hints at a recoveryCOVID-19 has made children more worried, scared, and lonelyAd of the Month UK: Yorkshire Tea People now see the pharmaceutical industry positively 2021 wishlist: What sports would consumers most like to see in-person? Britons split on government handling of COVID-19 vaccine rollout Die beliebtesten Versicherer in Deutschland5G: Why Americans will make the switch this year — and why others won’tVoting Intention: Con 39%, Lab 39% (4-5 Jan)Résultats du Baromètre YouGov France / Le HuffPost de janvier 2021Einkaufen in Lebensmittelgeschäften ohne Personal? – Für die Mehrheit der Deutschen vorstellbar « Dry January » : les Français relèvent-ils le défi cette année ?Trailer for Jamal Khashoggi documentary “The Dissident” rises above the competitionDid President Trump concede in his Thursday night speech? Democrats aren't so certainJohn Humphrys: Should Trump be Removed from Office?America Speaks: Do they think vaccine distribution has been too fast or too slow? Six in ten Britons think it is likely the NHS will be overwhelmed within weeksCould different government action have prevented COVID-19 spread? Majority of urban Indians willing to take Covid-19 vaccine but many will wait before taking the jabOne in nine Americans spent the 2020 holiday season aloneMost people don’t think the government will meet its 2m a week vaccine targetLes marques qui progressent le plus au mois de décembreEin Viertel der Deutschen wünscht sich am ehesten Markus Söder als neuen BundeskanzlerAD of the month EGY – Schweppes December 2020Most voters say the events at the US Capitol are a threat to democracy Aldi enjoys record Christmas sales after successful launch of click and collectGroße Mehrheit für Verlängerung des Corona-Lockdowns Sonntagsfrage Dezember 2020: CDU verliert leicht Brits support new national lockdownJahresrückblick 2020: Machtwechsel in den USA ist jenseits der Corona-Krise Ereignis des JahresPub du mois de décembre : « La Lettre », le film de Noël de Coca-ColaHalf of voters believe Trump’s call to the Georgia Secretary of State shows wrongdoingConsumer confidence slowly rebounded in early DecemberPlurality of French, American and British consumers say crypto "is not to be trusted"007 et Zorro au féminin : qu'en pensent les Français ?One in fourteen Brits say they have already bought presents for Christmas 2021Elf is Britain's favourite Christmas filmHow often do councils relocate homeless families far away from their local area?Most councillors say councils should decide about local lockdowns What’s the legacy of this year’s Black Lives Matter protests?Two thirds of students want to return to university after the Christmas breakExercising and sticking to a healthy diet are the most common 2021 New Year’s resolutionsCOVID-19 and the cost of Christmas 2020Coronavirus pandemic impacts students' mental healthBNP Paribas et Roland-GarrosWhat parents think about “Elf on the Shelf” A fifth of Britons will use COVID as an excuse to avoid people over ChristmasDie Angst vor COVID-19 nimmt vor Weihnachten in Deutschland deutlich zuWeihnachts-Werbecheck: Kaufland punktet mit Humor – Kinder knackt den BenchmarkMost Americans say $600 stimulus checks are “too little”A standing ovation for “Ma Rainey's Black Bottom” trailer30% of Americans are spending less on holiday gifts this year What do the public think about leaving the transition period without a deal?One in five Brits has been a victim of bank or credit fraudJeder zweite Deutsche ist für ein Verbot der Weihnachtsgottesdienste A large majority of UAE residents are interested in lucky drawsStrong support for Tier 4 introduction and Christmas rules changesHalf of Britons have now finished their Christmas shoppingWhich Christmas traditions will Britons keep up despite COVID?Despite COVID uncertainty, Japanese public regard the Olympics as prestigious eventPodcasts: Which sports fans are listening? Half of Americans still have Christmas presents to purchase What is the best Christmas song?Podcasts: Which sports fans are listening?Baromètre de la santé #2 - YouGov x 20 Minutes x DoctissimoWhich beer and seltzer brands will win big holiday moments?Olympics fans are more likely to consider AirbnbWhat’s the most popular part of Christmas dinner? Hint, it’s not turkeyTop Improvers Novembre: Fashion Industry tra gli Under 30Profil des membres du programme de fidélité Yves RocherProfil des membres du programme de fidélité SephoraHow many console owners are playing ‘Among Us’? Profil des membres du programme de fidélité SNCFThree-quarters of Americans place themselves on Santa’s “Nice” listWhat do people have for their Christmas dinner?Apple bekommt in Deutschland nach iPhone 12 Launch große AufmerksamkeitThree in ten Indonesians see friendships strain since pandemic‘Silent Night’ and ‘All I Want for Christmas is You’ tie for America’s favorite Christmas songMost parents won’t take their children to see Santa this year Deutsche und Briten glauben nicht an Handelsabkommen bis Ende des JahresiPhone 12 launch: Apple enjoys high Ad Awareness as it releases its first 5G phones Lancement de l’iPhone 12 : quel est l’impact sur les indicateurs de marque Apple ?What trips are on people's minds for 2021?The most and least popular Christmas cookiesBrits nine times more likely to make contactless debit payments than AmericansVaccine news gives pharmaceutical companies a shot in the armHow has coronavirus affected Britons’ takeaway-buying habits?Purchase consideration for John Lewis better in 2020 than 2019 after 'Give a Little Love' Christmas Comment Xiaomi peut concurrencer iPhone et Samsung Galaxy ?Neujahrsvorsätze: Jeder Dritte will sich gesünder ernährenMajorities of Americans and Brits are excited over Disney’s content ambitionsConsumer lifestyle changes will impact key moments for beer brandsCOVID-19 global outlook: Second waves of coronavirus hit government approval Trotz Lockdown: Nur ein Drittel der Deutschen hat schon alle Weihnachtsgeschenke gekauftWill the post-Thanksgiving COVID-19 surge affect Christmas holiday behavior?Is it acceptable to re-gift presents?Confidence in Welsh government’s handling of coronavirus falls 21pts in a monthPlayStation purchase on the minds of twice as many Americans compared to last yearMany Americans are anticipating a lonely holiday seasonDie Hard is NOT a Christmas movie, say AmericansDonations as presents: is it good or bad gifting? How voters have moved in the year since the election Xiaomi wird bekannter, aber kaum begehrterThe most popular Christmas movies, according to AmericansLes Français fêteront-ils Noël cette année ?Britons most likely to say COVID has taken a toll on their mental healthAmazon triumphs with the trailer for their new crime caper “I’m Your Woman” TIME Person of the Year: Were Joe Biden and Kamala Harris the right choice?Is there a war on Christmas? Republicans say yesThe most popular Taylor Swift albumsHow COVID-19 is affecting mental health across the globeWhich sports fans are most likely to make a bet?Internationale Umfrage: Deutsche trotz Corona-Krise psychisch am stabilstenInternational study: how has coronavirus affected people’s personal lives?One in seven Britons are esports fans International undersøgelse: Sådan har coronavirus påvirket vores privatlivWho are the biggest phone bill spenders? What makes people donate to charity? Are Brits planning on travelling for Christmas, and if so, when?Valgmåling december 202057% des Français affirment que le COVID-19 a eu un impact négatif sur leur santé mentaleComment le COVID-19 a-t-il affecté la vie privée des populations ?International study: How has coronavirus affected people’s personal lives?One-third of Trump supporters believe Joe Biden will not be inaugurated in JanuaryThe impact of referenda on democracy in Britain TV watchers around the world spread their attention across other devices9 Prozent der Deutschen nutzen eine nachhaltige Lösung beim Thema Weihnachtsbaum Could Mike Ashley bring in customers to save Debenhams?Studio internazionale: in che modo il coronavirus ha influenzato la vita privata delle persone?Live sports isn’t just about entertainment, it’s about quality of life Italiani al terzo posto per impatto mentale negativo del CovidThese consumers are listening to music on their game consoles. What apps are they using?Twitter now has its own stories feature. How should brands use Fleets?3 in 10 Brits do not plan to travel domestically or internationally in the next yearThe number of people traveling for Christmas this year is set to fall by 69%Which FMCG brands have had the best Adverts this season so far?Zomato & Swiggy lead food delivery race in India, yet many prefer ordering through QSR mobile appsSingaporeans most likely to cite official restrictions as their reason for not travellingYouGov afslører rejseplanerne i de nordiske lande for det kommende årYouGov paljastaa pohjoismaalaisten matkasuunnitelmat tulevalle vuodelleYouGov avslører reiseplanene i de nordiske landene for det kommende åretYouGov visar vilka resplaner människor i Norden har under det kommande åretTutkimus: Koronapandemia on lisännyt suomalaisten luottamusta toimialojen yhteiskuntavastuullisuuteeDemocracy and the election process: what Britons think about UK electionsDemocracy and British parliamentarianism Ad of the Month UK: Sainsbury’s Deutsche und Spanier unter Europäern in den nächsten zwölf Monaten am seltensten reisefreudig Social Shopper sind jung und weiblichHalf of urban Indians are planning a domestic holiday over the next 12 monthsHot chocolate is America's favorite holiday beverageAdvertiser of the month US – Best BuyDigitale Assistenten bei Early Adoptern besonders beliebtHow old is too old to believe in Santa Claus? Résultats du Baromètre YouGov France / Le HuffPost de décembre 2020Trailer for Billie Holiday documentary “Billie” wows audiences this week5G: Who in the world is willing to pay extra?Americans support health care workers and care residents getting vaccinated firstLes marques qui progressent le plus au mois de novembreSchweizer kaufen häufiger fair gehandelte Schoko-Weihnachtsmänner als Österreicher und Deutsche Vaccine approval yields no immediate improvement in PM’s favourability ratingWhich societies has coronavirus brought closer together, and which has it pushed further apart?How democratic is the UK? Public health messaging - COVID-19 compliance across the globe How do people want the future of the Royal family to look?Americans doubt Joe Biden can improve the United States’ relationship with IranDebenhams shuts down after failing to provide customers with good value for moneyWho should be prioritised for a COVID vaccine?23 Prozent der deutschen Unternehmensentscheider fühlen sich unvorbereitet auf den BrexitPub du mois de novembre : Xiaomi Mi 10T 5G14 Prozent der Deutschen sind Early Adopter auf dem Parkett neuer Technologien Democracy as a concept: What Britons think about democracy Many more plan to mix households at Christmas following government relaxation of rulesThe less-is-more approach at The Masters is working for brandsHow comfortable do English people feel returning to shops, pubs and other businesses?Coronavirus prompts big switch to online Christmas shoppingCOVID-19 brings Arcadia into administration, but public perception of Topshop’s brand has struggled #LikeABosch ! The YouGov Democracy StudyBrexit : les chefs d’entreprise européens sont-ils prêts ?One in two urban Indians are early adopters of technology, predominantly young and affluentTech brands can’t be budged from top of world’s best brands rankingsBiden can begin the transition, but Trump voters aren’t ready for itWould healthcare workers report dangerous colleagues?Consumer confidence improves slightly as vaccine nearsRabatte und Exklusivität sind die wichtigsten Motive für Social ShoppingSingaporeans divided on decision to re-open nightclubsDanskernes holdning til Black Friday 2020Svenskarnas inställning till Black Friday 2020Americans eager to travel in 2021Face à la polémique, quelle popularité pour la chaîne CNews ?Voting Intention: Con 37%, Lab 40% (26-27 Nov)A third of Indonesians are early adopters of technology, predominantly young, well-off married men First in line: Early technology adopters around the globe18 % av världens befolkning är ”early adopters” inom teknik. Vilka är de?18 % maailman väestöstä on teknologian varhaisia käyttöönottajia. Keitä he ovat?18 % av verdens befolkning er Early Adopters (tidlige brukere) av teknologi. Hvem er de?18% af verdens befolkning er Early Adopters af teknologi. Hvem er de?Which sports fans are most likely to make a bet?40% of US gamers say they’ve been playing video games more during the COVID-19 pandemicDo people have more Annual leave because of COVID-19?Frutti preferiti dagli italiani e sostenibilità della produzioneDespite COVID-19, Americans don’t expect the holiday season to be any more stressful than usualBlack Friday? Not so much this year Hopes of vaccine boost public’s opinion of the pharmaceutical industryLes réseaux sociaux : un canal de vente en plein essorImproving immunity was a key reason to participate in the Dubai Fitness Challenge this yearSonntagsfrage: Die CDU legt zu, die AfD verliertCOVID-19 is changing how people use cash around the worldTwo in five Britons plan to shop during Black Friday and Cyber MondayTwo thirds of Britons support cutting the foreign aid budgetCOVID-19: How we eat nowHalf of men will do little to nothing to help prepare Thanksgiving dinner How well known are the UK's anti-racism charities and non-profits?Walkers’ ‘Merry Crispmas’ advert is a hit among current customers18 Prozent der Deutschen haben schon einmal über ein soziales Netzwerk eingekauft European consumers’ interest in electric cars remains steady in face of COVID uncertainty Apothekeneinkäufe lieber stationär oder online?Advent, Advent… Zwei von fünf Deutschen verschenken in diesem Jahr einen AdventskalenderFirst in line: Early technology adopters around the globeNearly two-thirds of urban Indians favour the government’s decision to regulate digital contentWhich company sees the biggest boost in brand health in the past 12 months? XfinityCOVID-19: Who spent more time in front of screens throughout the pandemic?Most Britons support making Black history part of the curriculumMobile gamers around the globe  Baromètre de la santé #1 - YouGov x 20 Minutes x DoctissimoHow do British tea drinking habits compare with other Europeans?What is the most popular Thanksgiving dish?Diese Hersteller überzeugen mit ihren E-Auto-SpotsThe number of people traveling for Thanksgiving is set to fall by 67% this yearAmerica’s cities support policing reformsVoting Intention: Con 38%, Lab 37% (17-18 Nov)Die deutschen Verbraucher mögen Adidas wiederPumpkin pie is the best Thanksgiving pie, say AmericansLe marché mondial du jeu vidéo sur mobileTechnologies : qui sont les « Early adopters » et comment se comportent-ils ?It’s drums up for the trailer for Amazon’s new film “Sound of Metal"Only 9% of voters plan to shop in-store on Black Friday Two in three NHS workers say lack of COVID tests have caused staff shortages In spite of scrapped plans, one in seven Singaporeans are keen on a ‘flight to nowhere’Despite tighter budgets this year, Americans still plan on holiday shoppingHaribo ist Werbeliebling im Herbst 2020Welsh public support plans to scrap exams for 2021Das Global Best Brand Ranking von YouGov 2020 – Nivea ist weltweit beste deutsche Marke Taiwan and South Korea leads the US in MLB viewershipLes marques du secteur Streaming musical qui suscitent l'intérêt des MillennialsDas Coronavirus treibt das Weihnachtsgeschäft von der Straße ins InternetLes marques TV et Services vidéo qui suscitent l'intérêt des MillennialsLes marques du secteur Cosmétique qui suscitent l'intérêt des MillennialsAffluent households have economic confidence and want to travel Taiwán y Corea del Sur lideran a Estados Unidos en audiencia de MLBPlayStation 5 the clear early favorite among American gamers as new consoles launched Boycott au Moyen-Orient : quel impact sur les marques agroalimentaires françaises ?Les marques du secteur immobilier qui suscitent l'intérêt des MillennialsIl consumo di cioccolatini nel periodo di NataleE.Leclerc : une rentrée médiatique remarquéeB&M’s sales benefit from lockdown loophole, but fails to grow customer baseFour in ten gamers say they’ve played more during COVID-19YouGov Best Brand Rankings 2020 for MexicoHow Black women engaged their communities during the electionFew Americans expect fights over politics at ThanksgivingYouGov Best Brand Rankings 2020 for CanadaPost-election, who believes the US is on the right track?COVID-19: “Media planning as usual” no longer appliesYouGov Best Global Brands 2020Are workers with jobs disrupted by COVID-19 willing to retrain?YouGov Global Best Brands 2020So sollten sich Baumärkte für den Kampf gegen Amazon rüstenDanmarks stærkeste varemærkerSuomen 10 suosituinta tuotemerkkiäHer er Norges topp 10 innen merkevarerHär är de högst rankade varumärkenaWhat type of person is part of Bachelor Nation?Voting Intention: Con 38%, Lab 40% (11-12 Nov)How has the coronavirus pandemic impacted the use of cash globally?Netflix musical “Jingle Jangle: A Christmas Journey” is the most popular with viewers this weekPresident Trump and his voters agree on not accepting the election results – for nowFear of COVID-19 more based on politics than personal experience Deutsche trinken eher Tee als BritenVilka är de svenska rabattjägarna?Keitä ovat suomalaiset tarjousten metsästäjät?Hvem er de danske tilbudsjægere?Is it fair for big retailers to promote non-essential goods in lockdown?“The Talk”: the coming-of-age conversation Black parents have with their childrenAmerica Speaks: What are their post-election priorities? CharityIndex: Which Charities have had the most successful ads in the last four weeks?Lotus Biscoff sees largest customer increase among snack foodsSorgen über Weihnachts- und Silvesterpläne im Corona-Jahr sind großMore than a fourth of UAE residents are unwilling to travel until a Covid cure is availableHalf of Americans say the US does a bad job providing resources for veteransLa práctica de deportes en tiempos de COVIDASOS most likely to benefit from Primark’s lockdown closureWhich Brits are driving every day?Who makes a wish at 11:11?Who are the Brits who watch TV while having breakfast?Den Weihnachtsbraten dieses Jahr online kaufen? – Knapp jeder Fünfte ist offen dafür Most young people are “terrified” of going baldMost workers from BAME communities worry COVID will affect career progressionTwo-thirds of Americans would support their state instituting a one-month COVID-19 lockdownGlobalism Project 2020: populist beliefs down but conspiracy beliefs up?Is there a market for Nigel Farage’s Reform UK?31 Prozent der deutschen Gamer spielen seit Ausbruch der Corona-Krise mehr als im VorjahrHvem er de norske tilbudsjegerne?Wie eine TV-Reportage Hilfsorganisationen schadetBlack and Hispanic Americans feel they have less opportunity in the USPandemic particularly impacts personal finances of Brits from BAME backgroundsHow important is a degree when looking for a new job?Almost six in ten think the Labour party is dividedRésultats du Baromètre YouGov France / Le HuffPost de novembre 2020Snap poll: Half of voters say Biden should declare victoryTrailer for prison thriller “The Informer” locks down the competition this week Conscious consumers are key to women-owned purchases and salesVoting Intention: Con 35%, Lab 40% (4-5 Nov)Seven in ten medical workers think government lockdown advice has been unclear Half of Britons wouldn’t mind if restrictions are still in place over the Christmas periodLes marques qui progressent le plus au mois d’octobreNearly two thirds of Americans support a $15 minimum wageJohn Humphrys - The Second Lockdown : Are You Persuaded?Le Black Friday est-il délaissé au profit du Green Friday ? America Speaks: Do they think the pandemic will get better or worse this fall and winter?COVID-19: Half of voters believe the worst is yet to come Einkaufen am Black Friday? In diesem Jahr eher spontan und onlineJust who are Liga MX’s Top 10 best-supported teams?Die Hälfte der Deutschen rechnet mit Weihnachten in Isolation28% des Millennials ont l'intention d'acheter une console NextGenPub du mois d’octobre : « Motion for life » de MichelinYouGov Ad of the Month – Malaysia: ChipsmoreAD of the month UAE– Global Village October 2020Negative headlines dent Monzo’s consumer perceptions  Greater Manchester: Most support Tier 3 restrictions but few think it’ll stop COVID-19 spreadDo Britons want Christmas adverts to acknowledge COVID-19?Most urban Indian women feel unsafe while walking alone at nightYouGov 2020 MRP Model ForecastsAd of the Month UK: Apple iPhoneEconomic confidence is rising, especially among white menWhat will happen after the election? Many fear violenceTrump and Biden supporters both think COVID-19 relief will be a top priorityOur IPL viewership prediction proves spot-on. But there’s still more to come from the tournamentLego ist drittes Jahr in Folge Verbraucherliebling – Deutschlands Marken des Jahres 2020 Dieser Milliardenmarkt gibt den Deutschen Rätsel aufJoe Biden goes into election with 10-point national lead in final Economist/YouGov pollTrump voters no more ‘shy’ than Biden votersAll votes must be counted, even if it delays election result, say votersVoters will feel more relieved than excited if their candidate winsTrump has been favored to better handle the economy, but Biden closed the gapWhat impact do Black Americans believe the Black Lives Matter protests will have?Middle Eastern countries rank among the leading video game streaming markets in the world While Democrats are united on the importance of top policy areas, Republicans are split on climateAbout half of Americans believe ghosts and demons existTrailer for Netflix horror “His House” really jumped out at viewers this weekSonntagsfrage: FDP gewinnt leicht Advertiser of the month US – iPhoneHalf of Americans would be more likely to date someone if they had a dogDemocrats are increasingly “very worried” about COVID-19Classement des Banques en Ligne sur la Recommandation positive auprès des 18-34 ans en 2020E-Sport – Unter Deutschen bekannter als unter Amerikanern und BritenNur noch wenige Tage bis zur US-Wahl: Joe Biden für Deutsche weiterhin klar vornOne in eight people watch TV on their phone each dayThailand has the most gamers in ASEAN, PS4 console of choice Guinness brews up strong brand performance with alcohol-free beerWith 71% urban Indians playing online games, India ranks in the top 10 gaming countries in the worldSkandinaverne gamer mindst i verden Skandinaverna gejmar minst i världenSkandinavene gamer minst i verdenQuelles marques suscitent l’intérêt des Millennials en France ?Climate change tops list of issues voters say haven’t gotten enough attention this election Nur für jeden Zehnten ist Halloween in diesem Jahr wichtigThe greatest achievements and failures of the Trump administration, according to voters Which people are not getting the COVID-19 vaccine?Das Profil des deutschen Marken-Boykottierers: männlich und älterDeutsche sagen häufiger, dass Joe Biden vor Donald Trump die TV-Duelle gewonnen habeWarum Kaufland Wendlers Meinung #nichtegal war“I’m following COVID rules properly, but other people aren’t”, say half of votersConsumer confidence falls to six-month low as COVID restrictions increase Viewers were taken with Netflix’s period thriller “Rebecca” this weekWhat’s stopping Americans from buying electric cars?Fresh versus Frozen, which Brits prefer which?Les Français fêteront-ils Halloween cette année ?Jeux vidéo & E-sport : la nouvelle ère Immer mehr Deutsche halten sich an das Tragen eines Mund-Nasen-Schutzes Viewers say Joe Biden won the final presidential debateBrexit: few Britons feel like they know what happens when the transition period endsCOVID-19: how does support for business compare across Europe? Bibliotheken sind laut den Deutschen wichtig, doch nur wenige sind MitgliedHur ser den allmänna opinionen om coronaviruset ut i Sverige?A quarter of Malaysian employees are experiencing job insecurityLockdown cats and dogs help Pets at Home to become pick of the litterDeutsche verreisen derzeit am liebsten im eigenen Land Brits think ending affordability requirements will mean fewer affordable homes being builtVoters think social media companies have too much influence on the news people read YouGov’s Brexit and business studyHalf of Americans say they know someone who has experienced domestic violenceGaming and Esports: The Next Generation31 Prozent der deutschen Wintersportler sind sich bereits sicher: keinen Urlaub in dieser SaisonBrits say devolved governments should decide their own lockdown rulesYouGov CharityIndex Rankings 2020Urban Indians look forward to an electronic Diwali this yearHow Americans feel about frackingGaming and Esports: The Next Generation Macmillan tops YouGov’s CharityIndex rankings So hat Corona die Lieblings-Reiseziele durcheinander gewirbeltPrioritise keeping schools and nurseries open in second national lockdown, say BritsFans say Handball rule changes are unfairThe trailer for the Liam Neeson crime thriller “Honest Thief” stole the show this weekVoting Intention: Con 39%, Lab 38% (14 - 15 Oct)The Government’s planning reforms risk alienating Conservative votersCOVID-19-Tracker: Deutsche erkennen Verschlechterung der Situation in Deutschland und weltweit Should Premier League staff and players take the knee?Has the pandemic changed how we buy toiletries? Most Brits think targeted ads are creepyWho do people in Asia-Pacific want to win the US presidential election?Die Mehrheit der Deutschen hält in der Corona-Krise die persönliche Hand-Hygiene einWho do people in APAC want to win the US presidential election?¿Qué dicen los mexicanos de cuáles son los eventos deportivos más prestigiosos del mundo?¿Quiénes son los 10 mejores equipos más seguidos de la Liga MX?Which Brits want streaming services to offer group deals?Eco-friendly Red Noses prove a winner for Comic ReliefLicence to kill Cineworld: James Bond delay forces cinema chain to closeVad får svenskarna att bojkotta ett varumärke?Hva får nordmenn til å boikotte et merke?Mikä saa suomalaiset boikotoimaan brändiä?Skattesvindel er den hyppigste årsag til at boykotte brands i DanmarkEl interés de Esports observa un gran salto entre los jóvenes consumidores mexicanosSnap poll: Which iPhone 12 features are Americans most excited about? Can travel firms still win customers? Will COVID-19 affect annual bonuses?¿Por qué comprar un coche eléctrico?37 Prozent der Deutschen haben schon einmal eine Marke aufgrund eines Skandals boykottiert Europa quiere que Joe Biden derrote a Donald TrumpDuring Covid, people still thinking about vacation. India’s preferred holiday destinations revealedAmericans see Christopher Columbus as more of a villain than a hero Dr. Oetker-Restaurants für Nostalgiker und HipsterTrailer for comedy “The War with Grandpa” ties with “The Lie” for the most effective trailerMost Americans support a virtual presidential debateTop Improvers Q3 2020: Food & Drug retailersMarket expectations: 45% of stock owners anticipate growth in the next year Voting Intention: Con 41%, Lab 38% (06 - 07 Oct)2 von 3 Deutschen finden, psychische Krankheiten werden in der Gesellschaft zu wenig ernst genommenDisapproval of Congress reaches highest levels this yearWho drinks bottled water every day?Brexit: Brits least confident in Europe of UK negotiating strengthLes Européens souhaitent la victoire de Joe Biden Europe wants Joe Biden to beat Donald TrumpEurope wants Joe Biden to beat Donald TrumpEuropäer wünschen sich Sieg Joe Bidens über Donald Trump in der US-PräsidentschaftswahlWashington Examiner/YouGov Poll: By 47% to 34% voters oppose court packingAmerica Speaks: Who do they think is a better debater – Pence or Harris? Uncle Ben’s’ purchase consideration increases after rebrand Democracy in the world – the view from Britain Riyad bank creates greatest Ad Awareness in Saudi Arabia in SeptemberLes marques qui progressent le plus au mois de septembreGuerre des consoles 2020, les annonces de PlayStation sur la sortie de la PS5Digital banking thrives amidst Covid, likely to grow post the crisisAmericans are less likely to have friends of very different political opinions compared to 2016Ad of the Month UK: SantanderVacation Dreams: Where the world wants to go on its holidaysDo alternative asylum policies work?Livre blanc : Vacation DreamsRésultats du Baromètre YouGov France / Le HuffPost d'octobre 2020The global electric car market during the COVID-19 crisis RWE lässt die Imageprobleme hinter sichCan criminals change for the better?Nearly half of UAE residents feel positive about the support offered by banks during Covid19Social Distancing in Zeiten von Corona – Mehrheit hält sich an AbstandsregelnWeltlehrertag: 3 von 5 Deutschen hatten zu Schulzeiten Lieblingslehrer Viewers get sucked into the trailer for Netflix comedy “Vampires vs. the Bronx” this weekA quarter of voters believe a COVID-19 vaccine will be available by the end of the year What Americans think about Trump catching COVID-19Which companies do Brits trust with 5GWhen do Brits start drinking? America Speaks: Which candidate is a better debater? Voting Intention: Con 39%, Lab 39% (29-30 Sep)Was spricht in den Augen der Verbraucher für den Kauf eines Elektroautos?How likely is likely?Seven in ten Americans say the 2020 election is the most important of their lifetimeHow much do people know about the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals?Subscription boxes win over 14% of Brits Two in five Brits prefer local radio stationsCan Britain resist a snack?Pub du mois de septembre : Citroën « INSPIRËD BY YOU ALL »Malaysia’s Most AdmiredPhilippine’s Most AdmiredCurrent and former military personnel say Donald Trump would be the better commander-in-chiefWho are Britain’s app addicts?Der deutsche KaffeetrinkerLivre blanc : pourquoi acheter une voiture électrique ? Advertiser of the month US – The NFLITV gets brand boost from supporting Diversity dance group performanceWho’s influenced by email marketing?Why buy an electric car?Elections présidentielles américaines : une victoire de Joe Biden souhaitée par les FrançaisCBS/YouGov Umfrage: Für knapp die Hälfte der US-Wähler hat Joe Biden das erste TV-Duell gewonnen CBS/YouGov Poll: About half say Joe Biden won the first presidential debateMost Americans buy the Trump taxes story Most Americans don’t think it’s time to open the Canada-US borderCan Britons manage their money? Für welche Marken sich die Deutschen bei Muskelschmerzen entscheiden